Egobang// I Can't Help, Falling In Love

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Arin was sat watching Danny play Mario Maker. He absolutely loved when Danny played the games instead of him so he could just stare at his best friend/co-host. Arin had known for such as long as he could remember that he was one hundred percent in love with the other male. Arin studied his friends features closely, they were already engraved in his mind permanently, Arin knew this for a fact from how easily he can draw Dan but he needs a reference for anyone else that he did, he also could draw his older friend so realistically that it even shocked himself.

"Gah! Fuck!" Danny shouted loudly, scaring the ever-loving shit out of him, "God-fuck! Fuck this goddamn fucking stupid goddamn game and the fucking dick-eating creator!" Danny rambled on, shoving the controller at Arin, "If I have to play this one more fucking time I swear to god, I will fucking fire that WiiU game pad out a fucking window."

"Can't be that hard." He replied, moving to a better position, and playing through the level quickly, not dying once.

"Fuck this! Fuck you! I'm done, I am done." Danny stomped off out of the room, hearing a loud laugh coming from his close friend as he stormed off to the lounge.

"Next time on Game Grumps! Hopefully, Danny won't leave me in the middle of recording." Arin chuckled and turned off the recording before going to find his flustered love, "That level really pissed you off huh?" Arin teased softly, approaching Dan from behind, though Danny nor Barry – Who Danny was currently talking to – heard Arin even enter the room, due to how quiet he had been.

"Okay, okay..." Barry heaved, tears rolling down his cheeks from laughing so hard, Danny was laying on the couch he'd been seated on, gripping his sides still giggling like a fucking idiot, "This one is so stupid but I love it so much..." Barry began, "Ready?" He asked, watching the mass of curls panting on the seat close to him, all he could get was a nod from Dan, "Alright, what smells just like red paint buts blue?"

"What...?" Danny muttered breathlessly.

"Blue paint." Then they were both laughing hysterically again. Arin couldn't help but smile and he caught himself staring but it didn't bother him as much as it usually did. Arin felt like he was ready to tell the man he'd been secretly in love with for years how he felt.


"It's freezing in here." Danny mumbled, grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch pilling it around him, tucking his legs beneath him and moving closer to Arin for warmth, feeling the boy tense beneath him.

"What are you doing, Dan? I'm-I'm trying to concentrate." He said awkwardly, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks.

"I'm cold." He chuckled, "Cuddle with me, I'm gonna freeze to death."

"Danny, n-" He stopped, seeing the cute bushy haired boy's head rested comfortably on the younger's shoulder, "Fine." He grumbled, "You know you're just feeding the shippers." He muttered softly.

"Oh well, I'm cold and you're warm so I don't care." He replied, nuzzling closer to his friend, feeling how tense Arin now was, his muscles were tight and he was seated in an awkward position, not his normal slouching positon, "You okay, Big Cat?"

"'M fine." He said softly, not saying much now.

"Is this too awkward for you? If it is I can move." Danny yawned, running his fingers through his long tangled hair.

"Uh... No, it-it's fine..." He replied, his face now a deep crimson as he attempted to beat the level of Splatoon that he was stuck on, now it seemed even more impossible. Danny yawned again, stretching and rubbing his eyes with his adorable sweater clad hands, making his co-host's breath hitch in his throat and die, yet again as he couldn't help watching and falling even more in love with the older.

"Fuck, I'm tired, after this video, since it's like three in the morning I think we should like, stop recording for today." Danny murmured, pressing his face into Arin's shoulder yet again.

"Oh, um... Yeah, sounds good." Arin nodded, barely talking by now and Danny noticed the odd behavior.

"Next time on Game Grumps." Dan spoke, shutting off the recording, "I think you should go get some sleep, dude... You're really out of your element." Dan told Arin as he sat up properly, removing himself from Arin and stretching for the millionth time. Arin ignored his friend's comment, pulling his knees up against his chest, burring his head between them and letting out a frustrated groan as tears fell down his cheeks, "Arin...?" Danny asked, hearing a heart-wrenching, pained gasp come from Arin, signaling that he was crying, making his best friend worry immensely. Dan slid closer to Arin again, placing an arm over the shaking boy's shoulders.

"Dan, I really want to tell you something but I'm scared..." His voice came out so soft that Dan could barely hear him.

"Arin! You're my best friend! You can tell me anything... You know that." The taller man told Arin, confusion washing over him. Why would Arin be scared to tell me something? We tell each other everything!

"I-I know that, Danny but-but... This is just something that could ruin that between us... You could hate m-me and I couldn't live without you Danny..." Arin cried, "I just couldn't..."

"Oh, man... You could never lose me, Arin... What could possibly make me hate you, Arin? You are my best friend, and that basically means you're stuck with me forever." Danny told him, getting a frustrated groan from, Arin, "What's wrong?"

"Just- Just..." Arin muttered not knowing how to explain how he felt.

"Dude, you can just tell me, it's okay." He encouraged.

"Danny, I like- Um... I'm... Dan, I like guys..." Danny gave him a confused glance, "That means that I'm-I'm... I'm... gay." Arin breathed, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders, but an ache was left in its place.

"I'm proud of you, Arin." Danny hugged his friend, "That's fine with me... I don't know why you would be scared to tell me, you're my best friend, why would that change anything?"

"Because..." Arin mumbled, giving Dan a sorrowful smile.

"What is it?" Danny asked, placing a hand on his friend's knee. Arin quickly jerked his leg way.

"Because you're only my best friend..." Arin sighed, his head dropping to face the floor.

"Huh?" Danny asked softly.

"Danny..." Arin whispered barely able to be heard and Danny could see tears falling from his closest friend's cheeks to the floor below.

"What is it, Arin... Please tell me..." Dan begged by this point.

"I'm so in love with you it physically hurts and I know that you could never love me back." Arin was now basically sobbing and Danny couldn't help but to reach out, placing a finger under his best friend's chin, lifting his head and looking into the other's big brown eyes that were glazed over with sadness and regret, "I-I shouldn't've said anything... I'm sorry, I've fucked up." Arin sighed in defeat, trying to turn away from Danny's gaze but Dan placed a hand on either side of his face.

"Hush." Dan mumbled, slowly moving his hands away and Arin turned away again.

"I can't fucking 'hush', Danny, you just don't get it." Arin snapped and again Dan placed a finger beneath his chin and brought his head up to face him, this time he slid closer to Arin so their legs were touching. Danny stared into the other, younger man's eyes for quite a while, "What the fuck are you doing, Dan?" Arin growled harshly and Danny moved closer, their noses touching slightly and a small smile played at his lips as he gently pushed his lips against Arin's sweet mouth. The smaller male at first was shocked and taken aback but soon he melted, leaning into the kiss, wrapping an arm around Danny's skinny figure, and placing the other around his shoulder and tangling his fingers in his friend's long messy hair. Danny pulled Arin to be seated in his lap, holding him close as their tongues danced between their mouths. Arin was the first to pull away, looking deep into Danny's eyes.

"I love you, Arin."

"I love you too, Danny." And in that moment, he was at bliss.

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