Sketchbook Terror

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"TELL ME STANLEY! TELL ME!" mother showed me the drawing of her. The drawing of her which I drew, the drawing that is ruined. "How dare you make me look like this! HOW DARE YOU THOUGHT I'M UGLY!" As she slaped my face.

I cried. It wasn't my fault. I didn't draw it like that. I will nver draw her like that. Never.

"I didn't do anything wrong was-" Mother slap my face again. This time, she slaped me so hard, that I fell. "YOUR GROUNDED! IF I CAUGHT YOU DRAWING ME LIKE THIS AGAIN. I WILL, I WILL, KILL YOU!"

I ran up to my room with my sketchbook. I trew my sketchbook in the bin. I curled myself in my blanket and cried.

Why does mother have to treat me like this? What did I ever do wrong? She don't love me..I don't love her..

I closed my eyes and slowy went to sleep.

The next day, I took a piece of paper.

I sketch.

A picture of my mother. I sketch her beautifully. I use all the techniques that I learned from art class at school.

Then I crumpled it until it looks like a ball. I throw it in the bin. Then I say, " I love you, I always do. But you said you don't love me.."

"So I don't love you"

Then a feeling of hatred started to grow.

Sorrh for the long update!



Lol Just Kidding (not)

Okeii thats all I wanna say to u guys
I'll update in a while (maybe after 1 week..heh)
And tell u guys the story

The real story is coming :D


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