Chapter 28

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Nathaniel (Casper) POV
"Good morning Erin" I smiled watching her stretch her little arms out and yawn. She smiled and tried closing her eyes again, but they opened right back up. Nosey ass. I chuckled and picked her up. "Good morning guys!" Alizé cooed as she walked into the room fully dressed. "What's up? And say good morning to mommy" I said as Erin stare at her mom. "Morning mommy's perfect little angel" Alizé smiled before kissing Erin and taking her from me. "Yeah change mommy's perfect little angel pamper while you're at it" I chuckled and walked out of my room to check what else Kennedi had brought me for Christmas. Grabbing the Christmas bag, I walked back into the room and Alizé was changing Erin's pamper. "Ooh what's that?" She smiled looking over at me. I shrugged. "Kennedi dropped it off but we never got to check our gifts". "Awwwe I miss having a best friend sharing gifts was the best" She cooed then walked out of the room with Erin. Digging in the bag, I grabbed a hoodie so I pulled it out seeing that it was Bape. So I took everything else out, it was two Bape sweat suits and two matching hats. Check her out, I thought to myself. Laying my clothes across the bed, before I even got to take a picture Kennedi was calling my phone.


"Awwwe I love the bracelet and the necklace! Thank you!!"

"You welcome and good looking for my stuff too"

"I knew you would like that, hood booger"

"If I'm a hood booger, you're the nose"

And we started laughing.

"That wasn't even funny, but did you see Erin's stuff?"

"Nah I didn't even see it"

"I bet you didn't"

So I put the phone down and looked through the other bag, it was three baby Bape one pieces and a black pair double sided Uggs. Then she also slide a dancing and singing Minnie Mouse. I chuckled and picked the phone back up to my ear.

"Good looking Kennedi. Her clothes are dope as hell. You got something from Bape too?"

"I had to"

"Aight we going bowling today aight?"

"You want to match? You a bird!"

"I'll be that but wear that Bape younging"

"Okay but we going with everybody right?"

"Yeah it would be pointless to match if they didn't get the message"

"What message?! Stop playing Nathaniel!"

And we started laughing again. I have to make Kennedi mine. She's a rare breed from them other girls. Yeah she have the craziest attitude, but I'm the one to control that. I was able to stop her from fighting every time somebody opened their mouth to her. And then she loves my baby almost as much as I do. Yeah she have to be my girl, I just got to get her to agree.

"I'm fucking with you, but let me call you back Trey and them niggas just pulled up"

"Okay". And we hung up the phone. "Who was that?" Trey asked pushing Chloe in with her stroller. "Kennedi and hi baby girl" I smiled taking her out of her stroller. "Guess what Uncle Nate got his god baby?" I cooed opening the closet. "Nigga you too? You have to see my fucking room bro. Shit look like a mini ToysRUs" Trey sighed taking a seat but place two Christmas bags on my bed. "You see that living room" I chuckled shaking my head. "Yeah ya went crazy for them kids, but that's for my god baby and where she's at?" Trey asked pouring hand sanitizer on his hands. I chuckled and passed him two Christmas bags as well. He didn't even look inside he just shook his head making me laugh some more. "She probably in Yasmin's room with Alizé" I said and started playing with Chloe. "Daddy's day care in this bitch" Relly chuckled taking a seat in the chair. "What ya niggas want to smoke?" I asked looking over at Relly and DJ. "I want to play 2K you know I been dropped that smoking stuff" DJ said making me laugh. He don't like cursing in front of babies either. "Aight and ya niggas want to go bowling today?" I asked them while Chloe pulled on my curls. She had a tight grip with her chubby self. "Yeah I'm with that, bitches is going to be there?" Relly asked me. "Kennedi cousin's and shit I guess" I shrugged. "I been over hating that little girl so we could slide through" Relly shrugged chuckling. "Yeah its mad cousin's so we got to invite Julius and them niggas too" I said while Aunt Olivia walked into my room. "Can I have my grand baby?" She smiled. "I just got her OG" I said faking a pout. "I'll bring her right back" She smiled. "Aight" I said passing off Chloe. "Take her stroller too ma. Please?" Trey smiled knowing if he didn't say please he was going to get cursed out. "Mhm thought so" Aunt Olivia said taking out the stroller as well. Relly closed the door and pulled out a quarter of sour. "Damn how was your morning?" I chuckled making them all laugh at me. "Fucked up, I almost beat up Unk Timmy" He said talking about the neighborhood crack head that everybody fuck with. That's why he got the title "uncle". "Why nigga?!" I laughed. He's the coolest and funniest crack head you'll ever meet. And you would think he some dirty strung out nigga. Nah his house is fly as hell and he try to be fly as hell. He love the knocks off. "I guess he didn't smoke so he come on the elevator talking mad shit and calling Daisy all types of bitches and shit" Relly chuckled while shaking his head and crushing up the weed. We all started laughing knowing how Uncle Timmy is when he don't have his smoke. But that nigga is cool as hell.

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