ONE ||tear in my heart

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ONE; tear in my heart

IT HAD BEEN four hours since Michael had broken up with Aurea. Four hours since her junior year, and Michael's senior year had ended, diplomas were distributed, and graduation caps were thrown into the air while she watched Michael tightly hugged his friends. Four hours since she had burned all of Michael's belongings, getting rid of any traces of him. And four hours since he saw his disheveled brown hair, and heard the deep of his voice, and looked into his light, green eyes that hid behind his large glasses that didn't frame his face properly, for the last time when he told her he didn't want to be with her anymore. His voice so was emotionless; it was as if he didn't care about all that time he'd been intimate with her. And the worst part was, he didn't even give her an explanation. She was completely clueless of the reason why he decided to end it. 

Needless to say, Aurea was a fucking mess. It was ten o'clock at night, and she put on the most rattiest and torn up t-shirt she had in her closest, and was in her grandma-underwear to express how shitty she felt. She even went as far enough to search up, "how to get over a break-up," on YouTube to get her heart to stop hurting and crying the Pacific Ocean.

She didn't like watching romantic-comedies, and did not have many friends she could sulk to, and she did not like talking to her parents about her feelings(who didn't even know about their relationship), which brought worst feelings deep, down in her stomach, and she didn't have enough change to purchase ice cream.

Calum (the boy who is always mistakenly asked if Aurea's brother because Aurea was Filipino, and everyone just assumed he was, too, even though he's tried clarifying it an abnormally large amount of times), Aurea's closest friend had snuck in her room, squeezing his large, lean body in the tiny window (knocking down the paint supply Calum had kept in the corner of her room, and stumbling over her books) in the middle of her sulking to comfort his bestfriend.

"I knew there was something about that assfuck," Calum told her, caressing her black hair, her head on his lap, attempting to make her feel better. "You know, he was always the buzzkill at parties."

Calum and Aurea had not grown up together like most friendships in her neighborhood. But the more Calum had started sneaking in her room at four in the morning with bruises scattered on his skin to get away from all the arguing and violent beatings he'd taken for his mother, the more Aurea grew to look past his ripped jeans, and battered converse and respect him like the older brother she wished she had. Aurea gave him a fraction of her heart, and he gave her all his art.

Aurea stayed quiet for a while. "He offered me a piece of Lindor chocolate after we broke up, and I didn't fucking take the offer," she whimpered, and started to cry again.

"Shut up, shut up, it's okay, Rea," Calum cooed, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Don't you ever think about why penises are like sausages?"

Aurea didn't say anything for a while, ignoring his question. "Shut up, Calum."

Right about now, Michael would be throwing rocks at her window. It was always so Shakespeare of him to do so. She'd look over and pretend like she was sleeping, but really she was really waiting until the stroke of midnight to sneak out of her window and do pointless (but, actually, significant) things with Michael like they always did for the past two years.

"Like, what if we're stranded on an island and starve to death. You can just," Calum did a chopping motion, "chop my dick off and and cook it for Sunday's roast."

"I don't even know why he broke up with me," she sniffed onto his lap, and he tightly shut his eyes, cringing at the contact of her snot against his black skinny jeans. The most expensive ones he owned (they were from Walmart), and ignored the urge to push Aurea off of him for the sake of  her state.

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