Random Cute Things...♥

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Since I have so many random cute things I can think of I decided to make a book on it so everytime I find a random cute thing I'll post it on here and eventually I will have a whole book of cute things!



If you wish to contribute to this book to add more cute things just follow these 3 simple steps

SIMPLE STEP 1: Go to my profile

SIMPLE STEP 2: Click 'Send Private Message'

SIMPLE STEP 3: Type in the box whatever you want me to upload and don't forget to tell me this is for Random Cute Things otherwise I'll just be like "Ok....then..." and if there is a website from where you got it from tell me.

Videos: If it's a video from youtube make sure you tell me that and give me the link :)

Pictures: As for pictures send me the web address from where you got it from and what the picture is of then I'll post it on the side of the chapter 

IMPORTANT INFO: If there are too many pictures I will make it into a slideshow and post it :)


Dear Contributers,

I will make sure I add your username to the cute thing or video to tell people that you were the one to add it to this book and if your lucky (i.e have the best random cute thing of the chapter) I will dedicate the chapter to you :)


♥Love enchantedwriter13 or Meg (whoever you prefer :P)xx♥

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow


If your gonna ask I have a weird obsession of saying meow (Note: Not done like a cat but said like me-ow) :)

Random Cute Things...♥Where stories live. Discover now