The Attack on the Fleet

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"Our mission was Successful. We encountered the Empire, but we escaped with the supplies." These words filled Senator Organa's ears as the Rebel Fleet prepared to depart the system. Kanan and Hera took it upon themselves to report their mission. With this said, the Senator gave them some very good news: as Ezra's Intel was very non-understandable, they were to focus on equipping themselves with new allies. The Mon Calamari Quarrie, Captain Rex, and Princess Leia were some allies gained, but only 3 days earlier, Sabine and Hera had failed to negotiate with Fenn Rau, Protector of Concord Dawn, leaving Hera severely wounded and Sabine declaring to avenge her. Now, Hera completely healed, and they were on a new target. As instructed by the Senator, they persued a new ally:  Chewbacca. The legendary Wookie had fought alongside the 41st Elite Corps and Republic Clone Warships against the Sepratist droid army. They found the Wookie's homing beacon coming from Mandalore. Knowing Chewie was trapped along with another person by Imperial garrisons, Ahsoka led an attack on the Imperial blockade. 5 light cruisers and 20 Tie fighters proved to be a match for 3 Hammerhead ships, 2 blockade runners, and 9 A-wings. Knowing they had limited time, Rex, Ezra, and Kanan hurried down to Mandalore's surface in the Phantom. They landed and ran throughout a large riot of Mandalorians and Stormtroopers, complaining about safety and the Imperial presence.. 150 troopers vs 59 protestors seemed very bad. It didn't end well, as all 59 people were killed. The trio rounded a corner to find Ahsoka, because she'd dropped them off to check another location. In doing so, she uncovered more Intel: Chewie had gone with a "special pickup" by Hera. Hearing this, they tried to leave, but the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister ambushed them, along with 8 troopers. Urging them to run, Ahsoka covered Kanan and Ezra's escape, but retreated when Imperial security guards saw her and tried to intervene. She met with the others, who re-docked with the Ghost. The fleet, having accomplished their mission, made for open space, seeking to retreat the remaining 3 cruisers and 5 fighters. They arrived in the Yanchoori system. Suddenly, explosions shook the fleet. The attackers was fast, deadly, and skilled. It was the Inquisitors, piloting Tie Advanced star fighters. They both fired deadly green laser blasts in unison, hitting the command ship. "Ahhh!!!" "It's the Empire" Voices of the Pilots screamed over the comm systems. Knowing why they were being pursued, Ahsoka, with Kanans help, devised a plan: Lead the Inquisitors away from the fleet to a safer system, engage them, and hopefully lure out an old enemy, Darth Vader. Vader had been hiding on Coruscant, sending out Inquisitors to hunt down their Jedi opponents. As they planned for their dangerous mission, Vader, on Coruscant, sensed their plan. He said: "You can't defeat me... Snips."

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