Thrawn's Emerge: Sith Showdown - Jedi Destiny Part 1

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Deep in Meditation, Ahsoka, Kanan, and Ezra focused to gain the Force as their ally in the upcoming battle. The Rebels gathered most of their resources and devised a plan: Destroy the Empire's Star Destroyer factory and Imperial Command Center on Lothal. First, they'd ambush the Imperial Blockade and push ground transports to deploy Leia and Cham Syndulla, who would lead Rebel soldiers on a ground assault on the facilities, in a bid to draw out as many stormtroopers as possible.

Next, Kanan, Ahsoka, and Ezra would infiltrate the main Command Center and draw out Vader and the last of the Inquisitors. Sabine and Hera would lead Phoneix Squadron in an aerial battle in space, while Rex and Zeb led Rebels to attack the factory. Suddenly, a cruiser came out of hyperspace in he Atollon system. When Sato and Rex yes tines the vessel, the familiar voice of Hondo Ohnaka came over the comm. He'd gathered some of the most elite bounty hunters in the galaxy to do their part in beating the Empire's side.

But unbeknownst to the Rebel Forces, Governor Pryce and Grand Moff Tarkin had commissioned Grand Admiral Thrawn, Admiral Konstantine, and Agent Kallus. Their plan was to let the Rebels attack the already present Star Destroyers, then ambush them and eliminate their airships, forcing them to land on the surface. Then, they'd become prisoners of the Empire after they run out of resources. Vader and the Seventh Sister would come later, with the other Inquisitors to finish off the Jedi and weakened Rebels.

The Imperial Star Destroyer there detected many ships coming out of hyperspace. Then A-Wings came, firing red lasers at deployed Tie Fighters and Interceptors. The faction's fighters darted all throughout the Lothal system, taking casualties, yet dealing them too. Then the Ghost, the carrier(with the Y-Wings) and 3 Blockade Runners emerged out of hyperspace, unleashing reinforcements. The carrier had 7 old Republic Gunships, heavily armed and ready to transport Leia and Cham's forces on the surface. The vessels departed, escorted by several Y-Wings. Tie Fighters destroyed 2 Gunships and 4 Y-wings, before being destroyed temselves. Suddenly, a Star Destroyer popped out of hyperspace behind the Rebels, sending Ties to attack the fleet. Thrawn, Tarkin, and Agent Kallus had arrived, and ordered a full attack on the Rebel fleet. Meanwhile, on the surface, Cham and his Twi'leks boarded speeder bikes and zoomed away, to deal with the Scout Trooper and laser turret defenses. Leia and her soldiers boarded the remaining gunships to bombard the facility's weak spots, hoping to bomb a hole in the roof, jump in, and hopefully attack the stormtroopers and destroy the base.

Everything went well for a long time on the Rebel side until Thrawn's forces recaptured a hangar at the East Wing of the Imperial Command Center. The Empire sent reinforcements to the hanger to combat the arriving Twi'leks and Rebels. The stormtroopers deployed from their shuttles and opened fire on Cham, Gobi, Numa, Sabine, Zeb, Kanan, Ezra, and numerous soldiers. They engaged in a firefight, blue and red lasers exchanges and parried by the Jedi's lightsabers. Leia contacted Kanan and Hera, informing them that one of their Blockade Runners docked with a Star Destroyer. Fearing the crew has been taken prisoner, Hera took the Ghot and Chopper to try and help them. Meanwhile, in the bridge, Kallus, Konstantine, and Thrawn stood. The Rebels stormed the bridge, holding the three senior officers at gunpoint. They motioned for Kallus to come with them, which he did, watched by Thrawn and Konstantine. Once in the lift taking them back to their ship, Kallus thanked him for rescuing him, which the lead trooper contacted Hera, informing her of the situation, to her relief.

Exactly 1 week later...
Things remained fairly the same: the Empire and Rebel forces fought, but gained little to no ground. Kallus' capture marked the start of a turn-around for the Rebels, as they said to Thrawn in a hologram message, he was to divulge any crucial Imperial secrets and battle tactics they wanted from him. In an angry retaliation, Thrawn had returned to his Crusier, and he'd wrecked the Rebels and their Fleet. Phoniex Squadron lost 6 pilots, but the Enpire fortunately took greater losses, following the destruction of at least 7 of their drops hips, intended to provide reinforcements to capture Cham and Leia's ground troops. The battle grew intense, to the point where civilians started attacking stormtroopers. They saw how the Rebels stood a chance. Commander Sato ordered his A-Wings to attack the Star Destroyer on the far right, promising something big. When they did, something big happened. The Star Destroyer exploded, a bright orange fireball enveloping the bridge. From the fiery and smoky explosion and wreckage of the Imperial vessel, flew a solo Y-Wing. It was Wedge!

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