0.9) Something More

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When they had found Kate down in Mexico and had gone up against not two berserkers but three, Stiles hadn't been expecting Scott to be one of them. When Deaton had said Scott's life had been in danger, no one had even grasped that Scott would be turned into some rage monster. Stiles couldn't even muster up a Hulk joke because he had been the first to recognize Scott. The bones had hidden his tattoo pretty well but the way the berserker had moved had been very telling. Stiles hadn't lived with Scott in his back pocket for years without knowing a few things.

Stepping up to Scott in that form had been the hardest situation Stiles had put himself in. He knew Scott was controlled by Kate but the dire need to bring Scott out of the spell and back to himself before he killed someone was deep because Stiles never wanted Scott to endure that, ever. What Stiles hadn't expected was for Liam to step up beside him. Stiles hadn't trusted Liam, or rather Stiles was wary of him, and the young beta had known that. It was evident with the way Liam would shift his gaze towards Stiles like he was expecting some sort of gesture from Stiles.

Both teens hadn't breathed when Scott had approached under Kate's orders. Her glowing green eyes had been full of bloodshed when she had spotted Stiles and Liam approaching Scott. Her orders rang clear as a bell when she spoke them aloud, 'kill them.' They hadn't budged when Scott had raised his weapon made of bone. He had lunged for Liam first, his blade swinging down in an arc but Liam had stood his ground and whispered Scott's name. It was enough to make the berserker pause before the blade faltered and caught Liam in his arm. The wound had been deep but Liam hadn't backed down and Stiles' whole world had shifted on its axis because Liam was there for Scott. He was willing to die to save Scott from himself and Stiles couldn't ignore something like that at all.

Stiles had caught Scott's attention when it was evident that he couldn't kill Liam. The blade had come up at an angle and Stiles didn't have to say a word to stop him. Stiles had merely glanced up at Scott and opened his arms like he was welcoming his lover back into his arms. The action had stopped Scott for a split second as Stiles' heart had pounded in his chest. The berserker had fought with himself. Stiles had seen the way his muscles quivered as Scott tried to obey Kate's orders but failed when he had ripped the helm from his head with a howl of pain.

Scott's eyes had been wild when they had taken in the state of Liam's shoulder. Stiles knew that expression well and before he could stop Scott, he was gone. No one had been able to keep up with him as Malia used that moment to kill Kate. Stiles hadn't thought about anything past catching up to Scott. He had grabbed Liam's hand and drug him along because werewolves could at least track each other and Liam had known Scott's scent.

By the time they had made it outside the church, all traces of Scott were gone. There was no sign and Liam hadn't been able to pick up his scent since it had started raining heavily. It was a good head start for a werewolf and Stiles had only stared out into the barren desert with a sense of loss. Liam's hand was still attached to his and Stiles couldn't let go. He had remembered Scott's words about something being off with Liam and that he suspected Liam was suffering from PTSD but never mentioned a word to Liam just yet. Hell, Stiles wouldn't be surprised if he was because of all the crazy shit the kid had been drug into. But Scott wouldn't allow anyone to die and giving the bite had been the only option.

He could hear Liam's whine even through the hard rain that was pelting the desert sand. They had to trust that Scott would make it home but when they had arrived in Beacon Hills, Melissa hadn't seen hide nor tail of Scott. She had been worried when everything had came home and Scott wasn't there. Stiles hadn't been sure just how to explain it to her until Liam had stepped up and told her that Scott had just run away and they just didn't know where he had went.

For days Stiles and Liam had waited for Scott to emerge from the woods with a stupid grin on his face. They had placed their faith in Scott to come to them when he was ready but when a week had passed, Stiles was more than worried.

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