Begining of the End

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You know those times when you say something wrong and immediately regret what you said because it could ruin your ENTIRE EXISTENCE!!!! That was what happened today but before I get into the story let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Kira Brooke and I am 16 years old. I have long pretty dark brown hair and a heart shaped face. I have a good figure with a big thigh,butt and breasts. Back from the matter at hand, it all started this morning how my world came crumbling down .
"KIRA GET UP YOU ARE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!" My mom yells. "Crap!" I get up,pick out my school outfit and hope in the shower . Second thing that goes wrong today is that I ran out of hair product so my hair looks like a bird's nest. Oh great(note the sarcasm). I rush down stairs grab a piece of toast and run to the bus stop. Third, thing to go wrong to day is I have to walk to school and then it starts raining.  " Oh this is just freaking fantastic" I shout up to the sky. I get to school and immediately get stank looks from everyone because did I forget to mention I had no umbrella. "Dang girl you looking rough!" Says Danye. Danye is my day one we have been best friends since we were kids and she has always got my back. One time she cut a girl's ponytail off because she talked about me behind my back so don't get it twisted. "I know, today is not going to be a good day at all today I can feel it." " Well it's about to get worse look who is walking over ." It was the bad boy of the school and his crew AKA Bad 6. It was Toni(leader), Blake,Micheal, Harry, Caston, and Sylar. They are known for smoking weed, sleeping around and just causing trouble all around. After they walked past the bell rang and we went to our class. I had advanced math and Danye had History so we went our separate ways. By the end of my 4th period I was steaming. Fourth thing to go wrong today , I left all my homework at home to day from rushing out the house. All I need is some food to help the time pass. I met up with Danye at the lunch line and waited. We were almost there when Bad 6 jumped in front of us. I got heated I couldn't take it anymore. From the beginning of this day has been crap and all I  want is food. " I am going to need y'all to get to stepping." "Kira what are you doing ?" Danye whispered harshly,"Just stop thinking that you and your whole crew is better that everyone you
inconsiderate jackadonk!!" I screamed. The lunch room went dead silent and I had just realized what I had done. I just messed with the bad boy and his crew. "What did you say to me?!!" Toni screamed

I Messed With The Bad Boy and His CrewWhere stories live. Discover now