Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Chapter 1:

"There's always a wild side to an innocent face. Do not let it fool you."

Innocent. That's how they labelled me in this society of nobles. I was nothing, but a fragile and innocent flower that was destined to be wed off to a man of a noble household. It is my fate as the eldest child to House Maegyr.

My mother, Katerina of House Redwyne, had insisted that I wear something comfortable yet elegant if I were to be presented to my future husband. Unfortunately for me, I was to be married off to someone that I do not even know. Someone that I do not even love.

When I was but a mere child, I had hoped to be married to someone I feel comfortable with. Someone that would cherish me in their arms as their own. When in reality, as a woman of a noble household, I must be married off to a man of title. Who else would be more eligible than Robb Stark himself, heir to Winterfell.

Reluctantly, I settled myself down on the wooden bench located in the feast hall of Maegyr Castle. My hazel hues scanned the old structure of the room whilst I fiddled nervously with my fingers.

As my gaze landed on the wooden material of the door that led into the room, it immediately swung open. Slightly surprised, I jumped from my seat as my gaze landed on my father who was furious. The Lord Henry Maegyr, the tiger of Volantis.

"He has betrayed us! He has put our lives in danger!" My father's voice boomed throughout the room and practically even the hallways which startled me very much. My mother was the next one to rush into the room. Being the supporting wife she was, she settled a hand on my father's shoulder.

"My love, I am sure that there is another way to escape this treaty. We must not put the Maegyr name at risk." My mother softly comforted my father by rubbing his back but he only shrugged her hand off.

"Silence woman!" He boomed once more before turning towards her. His eyes were burning with rage whilst his face was crimson with anger.

"Know your place in this household! You're only meant for producing sons, yet you give me four useless daughters and a pathetic excuse for an heir! This is disastrous, I have already arranged Talisa's marriage to the eldest wolf!" At this, tears begin to roll down my mother's pale features. My sister, Greer, who was sitting by the balcony immediately rushed to her assistance and held her comfortingly.

"Father, mother is right. Surely there is another way." My younger brother, Edmund calmly stated as he dared to walk towards my father.

"And how do you suggest we do that, boy!?" He furiously yelled at my brother who seemed calm even with my father's disastrous behavior.

Edmund then turned towards him and furrowed his brows for a moment before a smile curves across his lips as an idea comes to his mind. "We must send Talisa to King's Landing. There we can prove to the Lannisters of this treaty with the Starks to be invalid. Then we can oppose no threat to them as we are only allies to the crown through Talisa. I am certain that mother can work something out. She is good friends with the Queen Regent after all and you with Lord Tywin."

My father then parted his lips to argue with my brother but turned his gaze towards me before nodding to himself. "Very well then. But Lucy can come with her to make sure that they are safe. I shall prepare for the voyage. Prepare yourselves."

Being the daughter I am, I nodded obediently before lifting the skirt of my gown slightly so that I may not trip over the fabric and make a fool of myself in front of so many servants. My sister, Lucy took my hand and immediately we rushed upstairs and to our privy chambers.

Immediately, I took hold of my trunk and began to stuff the empty space with my belongings; such as my gowns, shoes and other personal items. I must be prepared to go to King's Landing.

I have heard so much stories about how a great place it was, yet there was one topic that particularly caught my interest. King Joffrey. He was one of the worst leaders of in the history of the realm, yet my sister Lucy took so much interest in him. She was too interested that it frightened me at some point. He was said to be devilishly handsome, but had a heart of stone.

He was a mere boy, who craved power when in fact he knew nothing about it. Now, the fate of Ned Stark's life was in his hands. The gods know what evil was bestowed upon this king for him to take away an innocent man's life. Regretfully, I was required to be in his presence if I were to be residing in King's Landing.

After a few moments of packing, I had also prepared myself for the voyage. I wore a blue gown with silk-like material that was embroidered with sequences on the skirt. Gently I pinned up my chocolate locks to be able to look neat and tidy when I am presented to the Queen. My cousin, Margaery was said to arrive in King's Landing along with Lady Olenna, my mother's sister, and Loras my other cousin. The House Tyrell was indeed one of the most powerful households in all the realm. My mother was desperate enough for love that she had abandoned a higher post just to be with the man she loved.

As a servant escorted myself and Lucy down the staircase and to the gates of the palace, I was currently daydreaming of how life in the capital would be. Perhaps it could be peaceful and exciting but at some point I think of it to be disastrous. Hurriedly, I rushed out of the castle and bode my bade my mother farewell before climbing into the carriage and settling myself down opposite Lucy.

Our fate was now in the hands of the seven, and for that I pray that it would be positive for I am completely unaware of what lies ahead.


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