Chapter 11: Heart's Content

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As I gazed upon my reflection in the mirror, my heart melted with such delight. I was a woman, now more than ever. And I was a woman who was  going to wed the man her heart most desired. I could hear the giggles of my sisters as they peaked through the oak door my chambers, causing a soft smile to linger across my lips before I turned towards them. But instead of finding myself in the confinements of my chambers, I was met by  the sound of  screams but rather than of joy and enthusiasm, they were of terror. Soon enough, upon taking a few steps to explore the new halls which I was in, I found something glutinous coating my foot causing my inability to move.

Crystalline hues widened in shock and terror upon gazing down at the red liquid which now coated my feet. Simultaneously, the halls covered in heavy velvet and  oak structures echoed my screams as  I recognized the blood which now filled the wooden floor of the halls. That was when reality struck me, I stood in the middle of the Great Hall of Winterfell. The blood of Caitlyn and Robb Stark coating even the hem of my dress. 

"No, no -- this cannot be!" I exclaimed with anxiety rushing through my veins: there was also the presence of anger and regret. Finally, within the corner of my eye: He rose. The Corpse of Robb Stark, dooming me for eternity.

"Talisa, you have failed me. I trusted you and you betrayed me!" There was nothing but eternal despair entwined with his sorrowful voice, and as he reached to touch Talisa: his touch began to burn her, causing a gasp of pain to leave her lips.


"No! Robb!" I jolted up, grasping the sheets of my bed whilst beads of sweat trickled down my forehead as I awoke from my deep slumber: with the nightmare having haunted my dream for several nights ever since Oberyn had offered me his love and affection. Perhaps it was just guilt eating me up, or perhaps it was just me being extremely paranoid. Either way: the nightmares had to stop. And perhaps, the only way to get rid of it was letting it all out. 

As I rose from the bed, my gaze fell to the window, with the curtains being lifted by the breezy wind of the Capital and the morning sun of King's Landing illuminating my chambers. 

'It was just a nightmare, Talisa.'

I reminded myself repeatedly before rising from my current position, proceeding to the bathing chambers where I allowed my exhausted body to rest into the tub. My slim fingers brushing along my chocolate locks whilst my crystalline hues rest upon the open window. Perhaps I was just being overly suspicious, but I took Ellaria's threat seriously even though both Oberyn and my mother had reassured me that there was nothing to worry about. 

As I rest into the tub, I felt a gentle hand brush gently against my neck and with shock did I immediately open my eyes only to gaze upon my beloved Prince. I offered Oberyn a warm smile before taking hold of his hand and allowing my fingers to intertwine with his own.

"What are you doing here, your grace? It is too dangerous for us to be seen together like this before we are wed." With worry entwined with my voice did I turn to him, my hand brushing gently against his own.

"Worry not, my Lady. No man or woman shall question your purity, for it matters not to me. What matters is that you will return my affections and wed me at arranged time. I trust you have no doubts after last night?" Upon hearing his words, a blush tainted my soft cheeks before covering my lips in a bashful manner. 

"You need not worry, your grace. I have my heart set on becoming your wife." With content did the Prince nod at my reply before leaning down to press a kiss against my forehead. 

"I shall meet you in the gardens in an hour." He announced, his voice booming along the halls of the bathing room as I nodded in response before watching him wander off.

Oberyn's affection caused my heart to melt with such love, but sometimes I often think if I truly am worthy and deserving to have such a man love me for who I am. Perhaps it was not yet the perfect time to tell Oberyn the whole story of her past, and perhaps -- it was best if the past was kept where it is supposed to be. For love was both a friend and an enemy who was not to be reckoned with.


Author's Note:

Hello dear readers! Apologies if I haven't updated in a long time. Life's just really been stressful lately. I promise that I'll try to update regularly. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more chapters of "Sweet Venom."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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