Soul x Reader x Kid part 7

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Sorry about how gruesome this chapter is and for the cliff hanger!

You stared down at your phone, biting your lip. You, Soul, and Kid had been the talk of the school for the last few days. Someone leaked you had a date with both of them in two consecutive days and all of the sudden there was massive tension between the three of you. It seemed as every time you checked your phone there was a message from each of them. The girls were either gossiping or trying to see if you were texting Soul or Kid by reading over your shoulder, and the boys were harassing Soul and Kid in the corner of the room. But I guess that didn't stop them from texting you. Your phone was beeping like a smoke detector in a room filled with fire. 

No teachers for whatever reason. The class was halfway done, and no sign of them. Of ANY of them, that is. Athena (Who you were starting to be-friend) texted you saying that neither her or Fyre had teachers in the class, and asked if they had any in theirs. She said she was going to text her friend Amika, then get back to you. Amika confirmed it- none of the teachers were in their classes.

"Black*Star and Tsubaki had the right idea, Davis. We should've gotten an assignment and ditched class." You say, turning to Davis who was doodling in his notebook.

"Yeah." He nods, drawing a thumbs up sign in his book.

As the class reaches an end, very few people remained in class. They all had run off to the snack machines, or somewhere else, making up excuses of "I need to use the bathroom," or "I'm gonna die of thirst. Hitting the snack machine. Anybody coming?" and with this, four or five people would stand saying they too had to use this resource and leave. But they didn't come  back.

When the bell finally ran, you and Davis slid out of your seats. Your next class was a special weapon and meister bonding one, positioned at the opposite side of the school. But you and Davis hadn't gotten very far when you heard a scream outside the school. All of the weapons on instinct turned and the meisters quickly caught them in sync. To not waste time and investigate, Davis held you tightly to inform you to stay as a double bladed sword. But Davis staggered when he reached the entrance.

A massive pool of blood sat, with the corpses of three girls and two boys from EAT lying on the ground dead. Each of them had their eyes scratched out, and a strange symbol cut into their forehead. The symbol was a circle with an equally spaced plus sign in it. Outside of the blood pool, written in more blood, was a message. It read:

They are not the last. Nor are they the first.

Send an EAT child to me, and quench my thirst.

Send one to me and they will not continue to die,

Ignore this message and throw away their lives.

Death the Kid, who was riding Beezlebub waved everyone's attention to him. "Class Crescent Moon meeting in 5 minutes." And with that, he zoomed off. You tensed. Davis gently squeezed your handle, trying to offer comfort. You smile softly as he starts pushing through the crowd to get to class crescent moon. But your smile fades when you enter the room.

Everyone's arguing. At sometime on your way here, you had reached a deserted hallway and you changed back. You step closer to Davis. Watching them started to make you angry. They should be fighting whoever just murdered those students, not each other! You felt yourself become gathered up in your rage. Then Davis stepped slightly in front of you. You ddn't feel angry anymore. Davis turned and muttered in your ear "It's a charm. Casted by some witch, and it makes people angry for whatever possible reason."

You look carefully at him. "How do I .... stay calm?"

He smiles softly at you. "Don't look at the affected. Don't talk to them. Try to ignore them. Kid will stop them for good when he comes in."

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