Soul x Reader x Kid part 9

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"AAH! Davis, did you see that??? He just upped and stabbed her!!!!"

He looks at you. "So? We're watching a horror movie."

"So? You don't just stab your younger sister! Whether you're in a horror movie or not!"

But as the movie got to some particularly gruesome  scenes, you and Davis felt so sick you couldn't even talk to each other. 

Soul leaned in. "Are you scared?"

You nodded and leaned in towards him. "Not gonna lie, I am."

"Cool guys like me will always protect girls like you. You can come sit with me-"

Kid, who was sitting behind him, forcefully kicked the back of his chair.

You laughed and winked at Kid.

But when an extremely creepy shot came up, you leaned towards Davis instead of Soul. Not that you didn't think he would save you, but with Davis you could go down fighting, which you liked better than being a princess.

"This is so gross." He whispered in your ear.

"I'm gagging right now Davis. You don't think I know?"

". . ."

You lean away and sigh. You've got quite a bit left of the movie, and your drinks done. You're dying of thirst, but not wanting to be disruptive, you remain in your seat.


"Eww. I'm not gonna sleep tonight." Tsubaki said, walking really close to Black*Star.

You nod and shiver. "It was disgusting. I'm not gonna sleep either." 

Soul laughed and took a step towards you. He kept it so your shoulders were bumping. He leaned in slightly and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll always protect you."

"That won't be necessary Soul. I've got it covered, no problem." Kid said from the other side of the group.

"Wait, Wha?" Black*Star said looking quickly back and forth between his two friends.

How did he hear that? you thought panickedly as you walked. No one else seemed to though, as they were all acting confused. While they were asking a bunch of questions though, Kid walked with his head up and looked perfectly ahead. Soul did the same except for the fact he muttered "Damn," While biting his lip.

It doesn't even matter that I'm going to die tomorrow. They still fight over me. That's kinda cute. You smile, lost in your own mind.

You start to wonder if death is the same feeling, being lost in your thoughts and having no control over your body.


The day flew by. Anxious students always came up to you, asking you and when the student was going to die. You answered the questions without answering them. But somehow, even though you were being annoyed by your peers you still managed to have your day fly past you. Dr. Stein was nice today, and actually did the lesson as he was supposed to. At the end of class though, he held you, Kid, and Soul behind.

"Yes Professor?" You ask once everyone's left the room.

"I'm going to give this student time to put space between them and the other students, so the halls are empty. Just easier not having to say goodbye."

The three of you beam at him. "Thanks Professor."

20 minutes later, he came over to where you three were sitting. "You're good to go. The halls are clear."

Soul bro-fived Kid and they man-hugged. Then Soul extended his arms to you and you went into them. "Be strong _____. I love you." He whispered almost silently.

"Goodbye Soul. I love you too." You pull back and enter Kid's arms.

"I love you ____. Please, be strong for me." He whispered, burrowing his face into your neck.

"I love you too Kid. I'll miss you." You pull back. The three of you look at each other. Then, you all turn away from each other, never to see you again. 


"I wonder how the trip to the mall is going?" You say quietly. That's where Soul and Kid were going- and here you stand, outside of the witch's lair, preparing for death.

You inhale once, then twice. The cool mountain air sooths your quickened breath. You stare at the door of the cave quietly, thinking of all the wonderful times you've had with Soul and Kid.

Meeting Soul in the dark alley where he saved you from the kishin- Death the Kid complaining about how there was now 889 student- your very first kiss, an very unsuspected but nonetheless enjoyable from Kid- Meeting Soul's family and falling in love with all of them- the time the three of you beat Tsubaki, Patty, and Black*Star is Basketball- all of them. Tears flood your eyes. You brush them away, and open the door.

With tears still in your eyes, you step inside.

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