Taehyung 1

21 4 7

Not everything that we plan in life is possible. If its possible, you gotta make up your mind quickly and take your chances. I was so insecure of myself, that I lost the woman on my dreams. But that's not the worst. The worst is that she became my brother's girlfriend...Which means I would see her all the time. See every kiss, every hug... I knew I wasn't able to cope with that. That's why I stayed in Busan, to start a new life.

*Talking on the phone*

Taehyung: Jimin, it's me... I wanted to say that I won't be visiting Seoul this month.


Taehyung: (smiles) Jimin... We needed to grow someday, don't you think?

Jimin: Tae, come on. You don't need to grow apart from us!

Taehyung: I know Chimchim, I'm just saying (silence) we knew someday we would take different paths. I just started walking mine. I have a job to take care of, not everything is friends, friends, friends.

Jimin: (sad) I understand... It's true.. I started mine with /your name/.

Taehyung: - Please stop.. it still hurts. - Exactly, same as Jin with his restaurant, Yoongi and his Music Studio, Namjoon and his solo's....

Jimin: Yeah! (smiles) Man did you saw Jungkook's drama? That was too much! I cried! (complains)

Taehyung: (laughs) What about Hoseok's dance academy? Will it open this year?

Jimin: Yeah! I'm so glad! Man I'll be one of the dance teachers! I'm so proud!

Taehyung: I am too! (smiles) Congratulations!! Hey man sorry for hanging up, I gotta go because I have lots of work to do!

Jimin: Okay! Bye Taetae, don't forget about us! (sends a smoochie) I miss you bro! Bye!

Taehyung: Oh man, that love has you cheesy... (makes fun) Goodnight! Byee~ *hangs up*

-It still hurt the fact that I loose her. Not because it was her. But because it was my fault. I'll never forgive myself for being so insecure in my past.-


(Next day in the office)

Nicole: Director! (called Taehyung)

Taehyung: Yeah? (curious)

Nicole: Would you accept having lunch with me? (smiled shy)

Taehyung: - She's cute - I like your dimples. (smiles)

Nicole: Oh... (chuckles)

Taehyung: OMO! I'm sorry! I don't know why I said that! Yeah! Let's go have lunch together! -Nicole is one of the best coworkers I have here-

-We went to a Chinese restaurant nearby. I had lots of fun with her. Actually she has many things in common with me. She likes to read, dance randomly, music, eat lots of food... There's something in her that caughts my attention..-

Taehyung: Do you want to go to the beach with me in the weekend?

Nicole: Oh! (surprised) Sure!

Taehyung: (smiles) Good! I'll pick you up! - I guess, life is about moving on, meeting new people and starting again. -


(At the beach, in the weekend)

Taehyung: Waaa! It's been so long since I came here! (splashes water)

Nicole: This is my first time here.. (embarassed)

Taehyung: No way! For real? (jaw drops/she nodded) WAAA! (splashes water on her)

Nicole: Director! (complains) My hair!! (touches her hair) It was clean.

Taehyung: (laughs) You're so childish! You can wash your hair later! (keeps splashing)

Nicole: (laughs) You asked for it! (pushes him to the water) (Taehyung fell on the water with shirt, hat, shoes and sunglasses on)

Taehyung: (stands up) You're so mean!! (surprised) I'm going to fire you!

Nicole: (shocked) Im so sorry Director! *bows* - She really think I'll fire her? So naïve- I didn't meant to... *Taehyung pushes her to the water*

Taehyung: There you go! (takes shirt off/and gets in the water)

Nicole: (laughs and looks at Taehyung) You.. have a nice body... I'm so sorry! (smacks her face) I shouldn't be thinking out loud... (looks down embarrased)

Taehyung: -She likes me? - (smiles) Thanks, do you like your director with a suit on, or shirtless? (winks/ her eyes widened) Come on, you're my friend. Don't call me Director anymore. Just Taehyung, please.

Nicole: Okay.. (blushes) Taehyung. (thinks) About that question, I like my Director in suit, but I like my friend shirtless.

Taehyung: (laughs hard) You're smart. - What is this? Why am I feeling so free and comfortable with her? - I like that!

-That girl is totally different from work. She's so shy and silent, but outside the company, completely loud and crazy! She's so cute and... I don't know how, but she makes me forget about everything. Is it her? Or is it me that I'm starting to forgive myself? -


Sometimes I sat down and thought about everything that could have been. I cried myself to sleep, because I felt alone. I miss her by my side, but this feeling is different. I miss her as my best friend. We still talk, hang out, but... I wish I could go back to the time in which she didn't even knew about Jimin. Sounds stupid and greedy to say that. But in that time I was careless and free. I didn't had to deal with many things, like now. She was literally mine, I didn't have to share with anyone else. Now, I share her with Jimin and the rest of the boys (laughs) Oh well! I guess I can't keep someone for myself forever.

Even though it hurted, I'm so glad I left her go. In this year that I spent alone I learned many things about myself. I grew up as a professional, artist and human being. I guess letting go and moving on isn't that hard and bad at all. (pause) Now I have Nicole in my mind. I can't stop thinking about her... Am I in love again? (smiles) 


Nicole: OMG! You brought me to a Karaoke Shop! (jumps)

Taehyung: Yes! Remember, I'm a singer! (winks)

Nicole: Omg.. (silence) but I sing horrible! (pouts)

Taehyung: Oh I know! (laughs hard)

Nicole: Really man! (punches his arm) You're so mean! (gets close to him)

Taehyung: Nicole! (starts looking around) Nicole where you went?!

Nicole: TAEHYUNG! (waves in his face)

Taehyung: Oh! There you are! I lost you for a moment! (burst in laughter) - Oh Nicole, you're so cute! So short and squeeshy-

Nicole: I thought I was looking at a tower! (tongue out) Let's go Mr. Tower!

Taehyung: Let's go Ms. Shorty! (puts arm around her shoulder)


She's the one that has been there for me since I moved here. Well, besides my brothers and family. I remember the day I didn't went to work because I was feeling sick. She called me to ask how I was; I told her I was sick. Right away she came here and stayed the whole night taking care of me. I told her many times to go to sleep, but she didn't. She's so caring and kind towards me. I'm really thankful to have her. I can call her any moment on the day, and she replies quickly. And when she doesn't, she calls me back, or surprise! She appears in the front door of my apartment. (blushing) I totally love when she shows up in my house... That short girl bring tons of bags with food and ice cream! I love to make fun of her eating habits. She has dessert first, then dinner, then dessert. (thinks) She's probably cute and adorable because of all the sweets she eats! (shakes head) What are you doing Taehyung? Why is my heart beating so fast just by thinking about her? -

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