Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry if this chapter is short... I would like some ideas, so that would help out. And could you also go read my other book, Im Glad I Did That. Its a nice book, so please go read that.

Im also almost at 300 reads! Just about 9 more to go!


Jeff pov

I woke up at home, Sally was shaking me to get up. I guess no one would play with her. I started playing with her. We played hide n' seek. I wasn't really good so she won.

We then moved on to tag. I was faster than her, so i started speed walking instead of running. I still won that round. Then i guess i decided to take her out hunting.

Once we reached the park, she went under the slide while i just sat on the bench watching. Eventually a guy stopped and Sally went into the forest. I followed, without being seen. That guy died fairly fast. He was choked, and it took a couple minutes. After we just went back to the house and watched Tv.

Nikki pov

Today, is boring. School sucks. I was hanging out with Emily at lunch.

" So, how are you?" i ask

" Im good... Uh, hows Jeff."

" He's good. Im just going to go outside. I need some fresh air..." i get up and go outside.

No one is really around. I still have sometime until next class. I have like 2 months until school ends. Forever. Unless collage comes to mind.... Nah. I sit on a bench nearby. I just thought, then something came to mind. What happens if Jeff stops loving me? I don't think he will, but what if? I get rid of that thought.

" Hey slut." says a voice from behind me

" What."

" Its payback time."

" For what, i did nothing." i say looking at her.

" That guy, who killed my brother. He must have so kind of thing for you. I want to make him pay."

" you cant do that." i know i can easily take her down.

" Maybe, i can." she holds a cloth to my face. I start holding my breath, I'm going to play along. I just fall a little limp. She pulls me behind a tree. When she makes the first punch, i hit her right back. I hit her quite a bit. Then i run for it. Shes fine, just in pain, she deserves it. When i enter the school, i go to my locker. I get my things for next period. Emily meets up with me, we head to class together. After school i do my homework on a bench and head strait home. I don't really do anything much. I just go to bed after a little. Nothing much to do anyways.

When i wake up, its like 5:00, but it was my parents. They had a card and they practically screamed

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" oh ya, my birthday, I'm now 18. They have me the card, i was so surprised to see what they got me. The card said

Baby girl, you have grown so fast. When you

Were young, we never wanted you to leave.

Dad never let anyone hold you, and you

Were so dear to us, we want you to stay forever

And now you are a young adult, so here is your gift

We thought long and hard, you deserve it

In the card was a......


like the Chapter? I hope so. I dont think people like cliff hangers next chapter will come soon. Please comment, vote, and follow me! Also go check out my other book. Im Glad I Did That.


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