Chapter 6: Interested Parties (Part 1)

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A/N: So sorry it took so long for me to update. But here it is, and I hope you like how the story is unfolding, even if it's not the usual type of romance that most readers usually prefer. Sometimes I wonder if I'm getting my points across this way. Thank you so much for sticking with this story, for commenting, and for voting. Do let me know what you think by leaving a comment or two.


Another general assembly had been called by Adventure Camp staff in the morning. It was the first day of Week Three, and an important announcement was to be made about the events of the week. The camp director had mentioned to the adult chaperons and counselors in the mess hall that a special guest had arrived to address everyone.

Oliver and Felicity gathered their boys and girls and led them to the main session hall after a rather boisterous discussion over a hearty breakfast about the highs and lows of the week-long Survivor Challenge that had just ended the day before. Everyone in Team Olicity was high-wired and excited for what were in store in their third week of camp, confident that they were ready to take on just about anything together.

When the camp director announced to the assembled tweeners and counselors that the next seven days would no doubt showcase their artistic talents, everyone in the team became wide-eyed, their mouths gaping open in sheer exhilaration. A mixture of thrill and nervousness coursed through their nerves at the thought of participating in the essay and poetry writing contests, sand sculpting competition, the poster-making contest, the dance competition, the band competition, and the highlight of the week – the group musical drama presentations that required every member of the team to participate either by singing, dancing, or acting. All competitions were to be held in the mornings, because the afternoons and evenings were to be devoted to rehearsing for the group presentations, which was the only event to be held in the evening of the sixth day.

Their excitement, however, did not last long. When the camp director announced that there would be new team mergers for the week, their laughter was instantly hushed, and the smiles on their faces faded. No one in Oliver and Felicity's team was happy about that. The boys and girls of Starling City frowned in disappointment that their team would have to break up and merge with two other groups. A couple of girls were teary-eyed, as they all turned to look at their adult chaperons with puppy dog eyes, as if pleading with Oliver and Felicity to do something to change the way things were going to go.

Felicity looked at Oliver with a faint smile on her face. She shrugged her shoulders and then said softly, "It's okay. We've had fun."

Oliver simply nodded. "Yeah, we did. Didn't we? Best summer I've had." He looked into her eyes with a smile just as faint as hers, waiting for an affirmation that she felt the same way. Her smile widened into a grin and she nodded, saying, "Yeah, me too." Oliver then looked at their motley crew and said, "Maybe what they need is just a little pep talk," he said.

Sure, a pep talk would do the trick. What Oliver didn't tell her was that he was probably the one who needed it most at that time. He had gotten used to doing things with her as his partner in the last seven days, and he wasn't prepared to team up with someone else. Well, maybe it was more of him not being willing for her to team up with someone else. He wasn't sure. He tried his best to put up a fake smile and keep a straight face, pretending he was listening to the rest of the camp director's announcements and instructions, but his mind was somewhere else. He tuned out the director's voice as the man's words went into one ear and came out the other without his brain ever registering anything.

Oliver's eyes panned the session hall inconspicuously, looking for the other four prospects that would take his place as Felicity's new partner for a week. In the front row directly in front of him was Hal Jordon, with whom he had enjoyed a couple of pleasant conversations about flying and the airline industry. Hal was a licensed pilot and had offered to give Oliver some flying lessons at a discounted price the next time he'd visit Coast City. Although he appeared to be somewhat reserved and introverted, he seemed to be a nice guy. Oliver thought he would treat Felicity well enough.

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