The Rescue

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I barely felt Jane's and Felix's powers come to me. So I decided to play with Jane's power a little bit. I looked at Felix and said pain in my mind and I watched him fall to the ground screaming, that's when Jane walked on and looked at Felix and screamed at me "I have no idea how your doing that but you better stop or you'll regret it little girl."

       I like at her and smiled and repeated that but at Jane while keeping Felix in pain. I watched her as she fell to the ground screaming. I heard someone breaking down the door, I was ready for whoever it was.

      I was not going down quietly, if they want me then imma fight. But I saw Sam (la push Sam, that's who saw her and sent back to get the other two), Eric, Pam and Sookie walk in. I smiled and breathed thinking I can finally go home. Sookie came and undid my chains for me.

    I looked at Jane and Felix still screaming on the ground, I thought about them being in fire and to my surprise they both charity l caught on fire and within seconds they both were ash and wind blew the ashes away so no one can bring them back.

     I looked at Eric and Pam. "Did you all know that I can do that? I only was thinking about them catching on fire and the wind blowing then l their ashes away. How did that happen?"

     Sookie sighed "Bella we need to get home and we'll talk ok I nodded and Sam transformed in to a wolf and carried me on his back. Pam looked at me and said "Bella honey I know your tired but hang on we're almost home." Just as she finished I blacked out.

     I woke up in my bed with Jasper and Alice both sitting on each side of my bed holding my hand. I cleared my throat. Looked over at Alice and she was smiling and holding a glass of water out for me to drink. I thanked her and drank the water and buy I didn't realize how good water tasted.
"How long was I out?" My dad came in and said "Bells, you've been unconscious for 2 1/2 weeks now and Carlisle has been coming by everyday to check up on you. He should be here any minute now, him and Esme and Rose should be here." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Um Rose has been here also?"

      "Yeah. She was here when they brought you back. Matter of fact the only one she let near you was your dad and Jasper.... Well barely. She acted like she was your mate instead of Jasper. It was kind of funny to see her and Jasper going at it, to see who was taking care of you, that was until Charlie came in and beyond it up,

      Now that I think about it..... Rose has been acting like she is your aunt or mother or something like that....." As she started thinking about it. I looked around looking for Sookie. Alice saw "she's coming in now." Sookie came in and took Alice's spot next to me. "Sookie when we were on our way back you said something telling me something about how I had gotten those two creeps powers."

      Everyone looked at us, waiting for the rest of the conversation. "Um yeah, well here it goes. Your power. It don't just copy powers from whomever, there's another gift you have besides your shield that I had found out as I was searching as why you had lightening strike that day when we were training.....

       You basically think of any power you want and its yours for good and you can command anything to your will anything and anyone. We need to keep bodyguards with you at all times. And as for as Rose... Well I know that answer also. She is your great great great aunt... On your father's side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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