The Playdate

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"'re going to have to watch Heidi today. I have a case today and I can't miss it."

Olive gave an eager smile.

"It's no problem at all Lionel!" She chirped in her usual fashion. "I hope you win that case!"

Heidi was sulking in the always. Being babysat by her sister was always the worst. Olive was even stricter than their brother was, which is saying something....but SHE did it with kindness.

Kill them with kindness.....

"Oh! You can invite the Dagon boy over too! I believe Duncan is going somewhere with his friends and Miss Natalie Dagon will be at work. Do you think you can babysit them both?"

"Sure! The more the merrier!"

GOD no! Heidi screamed in her mind. NOT Graham! Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse.

Graham was so annoying. He didn't even notice what was going around him. To him, life was all part of his stupid detective thing or whatever.

"Alright! Miss Natalie will be over in a minute! Have fun girls!"

"We will!" Olive called.

I won't.....Heidi thought.

Once Lionel left, Graham arrived with his mother.

"Olive sweetie! You're so kind to watch both these little rascals! Just remember! Olliver's house is right across the street!"

"Oh it's nothing really! And thank you Miss Dagon!"

Once Miss Dagon left, Olive gave the two six year olds a warm smile.

"Want me to put on TV for you two?"

"That's okay Olive! I'm OK on my own! I'mma gonna solve the mystery of the hidden key!" Graham said with conviction. Heidi rolled her eyes.


" can just set the TV to McDonald's commercials and watch me suffer...."

"Heidi..." Her smile didn't leave her face. "We're vegetarians remember.....if you're hungry you know we have leftover casserole in the fridge! I can warm it up for yo-"

"No....I'm good..." She dismissed. She decided to just sit in her room and color in her MLP coloring book. She was almost finished.

She had just sat down with her box of crayons when all of a sudden Graham burst in, riding a broomstick and had dirt smeared all over his face.

"Raistlen BURSTS into the dame's room! The suspect MUST be hiding here! Or perhaps the suspect IS the dame! There's only one way to find out!"

"GRAHAM GET OUTTA MY ROOM!" She whined. Graham didn't hear her, and tossed the broomstick on Heidi's bed, expecting every corner of her room.

"Graham get out or I'll throw the TV at youu!"

"Raistlen won't falter to your petty threats!" Graham leaned close to Heidi. "Or maybe you're just trying to frighten me.....well that won't work!"

Heidi narrowed her eyes and snatched Graham's precious cowboy hat off his head. Graham instantly snapped back to reality and began trying to snatch it back.

"Heidiiii give it back! That's my Boshi! Give it back! Meaniee!"

"Get outta my room then!" Heidi yelled back.

"But there's a case to be solved!"

"Solve it somewhere else!"

"But Heidiiiiii-"

"Shut up and get out or else I'll draw on the hat with crayon!"

"Noooo! Please! OLIVE!!!"

Soon, both the kids were in time out, Graham's hat back on his head. Everytime the two kids were together it always ended up like this.

"Raistlen had been confined in some sort of strange cell.....he was was be released soon....however he had been betrayed..."

"Graham just shut up!" Heidi growled. "You're so annoying! Why can't you just be normal?! Why do you care so much about that stupid hat?!"

"DON'T CALL BOSHI STUPID!" Graham screamed. "Daddy gave him to me!"

Heidi didn't do anything. She was so mad at him. Why did he always have to get her in trouble?! Not that she didn't get into trouble anyway....what was so bad about wanting to try a hamburger ONCE!? What was so bad about not wanting to hang out with anyone?! Was it too much to ask to be alone once in a while?!

"...sorry for getting you in trouble Heidi..." Graham apologized quietly. ".....I just wanna be friends with you and you're always so boring and grumpy...."

".....yeah're always too crazy and stupid...."

"I'm not stupid!"

"Yeah huh!"

"Nuh uh!"



"Graham! Heidi! Please stop bickering or else I'll have to have you stay in timeout the whole day....sorry!"

Yet another day ruined by the unfathomable idiot.....when was Heidi ever going to feel happy? When was Graham ever going to shut up?

"Raistlen eyes the dame thoughtfully.......she's quite stunning, actually.....perhaps a few drinks would convince her to hang out at his place for a while....?"

"SHUT UP!!!" Heidi screamed.

Heidi was made to stay in her room the rest of the day, and frankly, Heidi didn't complain.

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