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Laura's POV

(Day before I was assigned Ross Lynch)

Today, my assignment is Maia Mitchell. I have to kill her, even though she was a friend of mine from Pre-School. I never let my new friends down. And today's not the day to try, I don't want to know what happens to me if I don't kill who I'm assigned.

I'm in my room (Aka, the basement) DMing her on Instagram, telling her I'll be at Bellwood Park at 3:00. It's 2:45 now. 

I walked to the front door, only to be stopped by Andrew. 

"Laura, before you go kill, look at the few boxes in front of you when you turn around. You may have any one you want, but just one of them. Why don't you take a look inside of them?" I peer inside a ragged cardboard box. My face lights up and I feel a devilish smile creep across my face. The box is filled with knives. 

A beautiful collection of knives. Their metallic sounds pleasingly clash as I pick up the box.

"That one's pretty good. I'll take a look through the other's before I decide, though, Andrew."

"Whatever pleases you, Laura."

The second box is filled with small bottles of poison. There's at least  a hundred in the box as I eagerly pick it up. "Takes to long to take out."

The last box contains three wood axes. One is wonderfully sharp, the other dangerously dull, and the third is rusted to perfection. I imagine myself doing some practice swings before quickly scooping up the box. "Only one box?"


"I'll take the one filled with knives. Now, I gotta go meet up with Maia Mitchell. I'll be back. When I do get back, have my next assignment ready for me."

"No problem."

I take the sharpest knife from the box, write Laura on the box with a Sharpie, and head in the direction of the park we were meeting at.


"C'mon, Maia. I want to show you this lake I found in the woods."

Maia follows me, like she's learning for the first time. My main motivation for killing is anger and sadness. I will continue to kill. 

I'll just pretend to be lost in the middle of the woods until the time is right. There's no lake in here, Maia was never really the greatest learner in Pre-School.

She still probably doesn't know her ABC's. Anyways, I've been acting like I was lost for a while now. It's now or never. I found a shed, and took her in there. 

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this."

"Do wha-"

I sneak up behind her and slit her throat with the knife Andrew gave me. 

We've been here for about 5 hours. Before I murdered her. I guess she told her parents that she'd only be here for a little while, cause I see red and blue flashing lights through the trees. 

I cover myself in the blood and pretend to be the "survivor from the killer's killing spree." 

When the police get here, I frantically tell them where the killer went, and as they let their guard down, I kill the two closest to me and make a run for it. If they come looking for me, I'll turn this game around. 

I'll sneak around the police, quietly taking them out one by one, by either a quick and fatal stab, or by silent suffocation.


When I get back to the house, Andrew already had my next assignment ready for me, just like I told him to do. He had went out, so he left a sticky note with the name on it.

"Sorry, had to go out for groceries. Your next assignment is Ross Lynch. Courtney will be home around 5:00pm. You don't have to start the assignment today, if you don't want to. But it'd be great if you did...    0_0


I'll start the assignment tonight, why not?

When Love Kills - *RAURA*Where stories live. Discover now