Chapter 2: Change of Plans

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"No." I said for probably the millionth time today. Jake gave me a weary glance as he sighed and shooed the girl out of the room.

I dropped my head in my hands and sighed.

"Why won't you just choose one?" Jake asked as he flopped onto the plastic chartreuse chair beside me.

"Because I know that not one of them will stay once they hear the company's latest idea."

"Then what do you want to do?" He asked. I lifted my head, stood up and paused.

"I guess I have no other option." His eyes narrowed and he tapped his knuckle against the table.

"Don't tell me you're going to do it."

"Yes. I'm going to do it." I said while attempting to plaster a smile on my face.

"Can you imagine the ridicule?"

"Oh believe me, I have nothing to lose." After giving this hopeful line, that's probably been said about a thousand times in a thousand movies I began my march to the doorframe.

The latest idea from the company was to create a song that would be in the commercial, that would be sung by the actress. Now of course there was no point in asking what the the theme of this song would be. Judging by the previous ideas I knew I would never live this down. My only consolation would be that I'd be receiving two paychecks from this commercial from hell.

I stepped onto the set and faced my exhausted crew.

"Change of plans everyone." A groan seemed to ripple throughout the room as I gave this piece of news. "No, no, It's not bad, I picked someone who already knows the lines, and is willing to wrap this thing up in the next few days." At this a couple of hopeful murmurs echoed around. "And this person is.. Drumroll please." I patted my legs waiting for everyone else to join in but only silence was heard. I coughed nervously and this spread my arms wide. "It's me!"

The groans only seemed to grow louder and my smile began to drop. "Hey listen here! If I'm the one doing it, this thing will get done!"

"But you can't act!" Came a shout from the crowd. I pointed to the group of slowly angering people.

"How do you know?" I asked my voice growing louder rapidly.

To say the least, things after my announcement did not go over as well as one may think. I decided to leave early to practice my lines. I told the company I could play a little guitar so I could put the song to that, and they agreed excitedly to let me bring it on the commercial.

As I grabbed my keys out of my purse and hopped into my car my phone began to ring. I fumbled around and finally pulled out my shattered iPhone. As I pushed the green button an angry shout came from the other line.

"I've been trying to reach you for the last twenty four hours." Came an enraged voice.

"What? Who is this?"

"I'm the one who owns the car you mutilated?" Mutilated? Oh please!

"C'mon it was just a scratch." I said defensively as I began to turn the keys in the ignition.

"A scratch!? Are you insane? You better not think you're getting away with this. I'll call back tomorrow when I get the estimate on the damage you've caused!" I rolled my eyes and sighed as I waited for the rude man to hang up. There was a quick pause before he said, "And your drawing was shit!" A beep sounded in my ear as I scoffed. How dare he!

I was pulling out of the parking lot when my phone rang again. I grabbed it and shoved it in the space between my cheek and shoulder.

"Called to insult me some more on my drawings you asshole?" I growled.

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