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No One's P.O.V.
Camila was laying in her room bored. Camila heard a moving trunk pull up across the street. Camila got up from her bed and walked to the window and looked out. She sighed and watches as a family of 6 kids and 2 parents walk into the house across the street. She heard the door of her room open. She turned her head and saw her mom come into her room. Sinu smiled at her daughter and set a basket of clothes on her bed and left. Camila grabbed her phone and jacket and walked out of her room

"Mom I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in an hour." Camila yelled and put on her jacket as she waited for her mother's response. Camila heard her mother say "Okay sweetheart but be home before dinner please." Camila nodded and said a quick okay bye. Camila opened the front door of their house and felt the nice cool Miami air on her face. She smiled and closed the door. She put her hood over her head and pulled out her phone, she walked down the sidewalk. As Camila was walking down the sidewalk, she collided with a body. She fell onto the ground. She looked up and saw a beautiful pair of green eyes staring into her pair of brown eyes. The girl smiled

"Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't watching." The girl quickly said helping Camila up. Camila giggled and shook her head, "No it's my fault. I wasn't watching. I generally watch where I'm going but today is not my day." Camila stated. The girl giggled and nodded "It's not mine either." Camila laughed lightly

"I'm Lauren." The girl said putting her hand out for Camila to shake. Camila gladly took the offer and shook Lauren's hand, "You are?" Lauren asked "Oh Camila." Camila said quickly getting go of Lauren hand. Lauren smiled and examined Camila

"What's wrong?" Camila asked concerned. Lauren shook her head and spoke "Nothing, I'm just really observant and you're just really pretty." Camila giggled "Thanks. You're really pretty too." Camila said complimenting Lauren

"Thank you. Who do you get your looks from?" Lauren asked as she stood by Camila and they started walking. Camila smiled shyly, "My grandma and papa." Camila said Lauren smiled, "How about you. Where do you get your looks?" Camila asked politely

"My aunt." Lauren said Camila chuckled. Camila felt the cool breeze of the Miami air hit her face and made her hair flow. Lauren watched as Camila let the air flow beyond her hair and face. Camila and Lauren stopped walking once they reached Lauren's house

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Lauren asked. Camila nodded "What school do you go to?" Lauren asked "Miami High." Camila said "Oh really? Me too. I'll see you there?" Lauren asked. Camila quickly nodded and said yes and started back on her way to her house. Lauren watched as Camila walked off into the fog. Camila walked to her house. She opened the door of the house and walked in. She felt a nice frequent hit her nose, she smiled and took off her jacket. Her younger sisters Anna, Sofia and Mia ran in past her. She giggled and felt two arms around her waist, she turned her head and looked at her sister. Finny smiled at her and hugged her tight then pulled away and walked into the kitchen. Camila smiled and walked into the dining room. She sat down in a chair and waited. Her mom, dad and sisters came in.her sisters took their seats, her papa too. Her mama put the food on the table and smiled. They all quickly eat, camila run up to her room and changed then crawled into bed. She slowly fell asleep

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