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No One's P.O.V.
Lauren woke up and felt a light breeze hit her face. She shivered and quickly pulled her blanket up by her face. She heard her mom yell "Time to get up and get ready." Lauren quickly jumped up and got dressed. She put on black jeans, black combat boots and a white Bob Marley shirt. She grabbed her phone and put it in her back pocket then grabbed her leather jacket and put it on then slipped her backpack on her back. She quickly put on light makeup and walked out her bedroom door. She grabbed her keys off the counter in the kitchen then quickly her brother Chris and sister Taylor. Isabelle took Lauren's hand and they walked to Lauren's car. They both got in the car and Lauren started it up

Lauren drove to Isabelle's school. Isabelle got out and waved by to Lauren. Lauren waved back and speed off to her school. She parked her car in the student parking lot. She heard Camila and an unfamiliar voice "Camz it's not like geometry is worse than trigonometry, it's just harder." Lauren tried to make out who it was but couldn't. She looked over her shoulder and saw a short girl with long curly brown hair walking beside Camila. Lauren examined Camila, Camila was wearing a black sweater that had a white sleeve and a black sleeve with three black stripes on the white sleeve and four white stripes on the black sleeve. She had blue jean shorts on and black converses. Camila looked over at Lauren and flashed her a smile. Lauren smiled back and headed for the school doors. When Lauren got into the school she saw a tall girl talking to Camila and the same girl that was with her outside

Lauren walked passed Camila. Camila grabbed Lauren's arm and Lauren looked at Camila. Camila smiled and pulled Lauren next to her. Lauren smiled

"This is my friend Lauren." Camila said looking at Lauren, "Lauren this is my sister Finnah and my best friend Dinah Jane." Camila added on. Dinah waved then looked away. Lauren wondered why Dinah wouldn't look at her. Camila whispered to Lauren "Dinah's a bit shy." Lauren nodded and mouthed "Oh" to Camila. Finnah smiled

"It's nice to meet you Lauren." Finnah said. Lauren smiled back, "It's nice to meet you too Finnah." Lauren said Finnah giggled, "Call me Finny." Lauren nodded. Camila smiled and heard the first period bell. She kissed Finny's forehead then grabbed Lauren and Dinah's hands. Dinah gently took Camila's hand in hers. Lauren smiled

"Are you two a thing or something?" Lauren asked. Camila shook her head "No, Dinah just doesn't like to lose me." Camila replied. Dinah smiled weakly at Lauren then looked down. Lauren asked "What locker number do you have Camila?" Camila smiled "2158. My locker is right next to Dinah's." Camila said

"Dinah's locker number is?" Lauren asked, Camila giggled "2157." Camila said. Lauren nodded and said her goodbyes to Dinah and Camila then headed to her locker. Lauren quickly sighed and opened her locker. She pulled out her music history book and put her backpack in her locker then grabbed her notebook. She closed her locker and turned around. Lauren smiled as she saw her friends Lucy, Alexa, Vero, Natalia, Melissa, Isa and Erica walking toward her. Lucy smiled at Lauren and Lauren smiled back. Erica turned her head

"Hey girls look it's the Chicks." Erica said, Melissa laughed. Serayah, Taylor, Leilani, Camila and Dinah walked passed them. Camila flashed Lauren a quick smile and walked to music history. Lauren smiled back at Camila. "I can't believe Dinah Jane Hansen and Karla Cabello got into the Chicks club." Melissa said Lauren kept her eyes on Camila. Lauren never really paid any attention to people but she felt like there was something with Camila that made her want to watch everything Camila did. Alexa snapped her fingers in front of Lauren's face "Huh? What?" Lauren asked "Lauren you weren't just staring at Karla Cabello, were you?" Alexa asked "Pfff no and her name is Camila." Lauren said

"No her name is Karla. We've called her Kaki Karla for years. When has her name ever been Camila?" Alexa asked harshly, Lauren looked at Alexa and squinted her eyes "She prefers to go by Camila. Get over yourself will you. Kaki Karl-- I mean Camila hasn't done anything to you." Lauren snapped walking toward the door for music history. Alexa looked at Isa, Melissa, Erica, Natalia, Vero and Lucy, "Lauren does have a point. What did Camila ever do to us?" Vero asked quickly walking after Lauren "Yeah, what has Camila ever done to us?" Isa, Lucy and Natalia asked walking after Vero and Lauren. Melissa groaned and walked to French with Erica. Lauren walked into the music history room and sat in her seat that happened to be right next to Camila's. Lauren looked over at Camila, Camila had her phone out and was scrolling through family photos. Mr. Richie slipped Camila's phone out of her hands and into his

"What?! Mr. Richie! I wasn't doing anything bad on it." Camila said her voice cracked. Mr. Richie looked at her "Young lady, we do not have phones out in class." Mr. Richie stated. This was true. The students weren't allowed to have phones out in class but Camila was ready to plead her case. Camila stood up

"Mr. Richie, I wasn't doing anything bad on it. I was just scrolling through family photos that's all. Besides class didn't even start." Camila said "That's quite enough Miss Cabello." Mr. Richie responded. Camila groaned

"But I didn't do anything wrong." Camila stated her voice cracked. Mr. Richie shook his head "That's it Miss Cabello. Go to the principal's office." Mr. Richie said Camila groaned and grabbed her books and started towards the doors

"Mr. Richie, Camila didn't do anything wrong." Serayah said standing up pleading her best friend's case "Ah Miss McNeill would you like to join Miss Cabello?" Mr. Richie asked "No sir." Serayah mumbled. She looked over at Camila and mouthed "Sorry" then sat back down. Camila sighed and walked to the principal's office

In The Principal's Office
"But mom I didn't do anything wrong." Camila stated sitting in her mother's office. Camila's mom sighed "Karla I don't understand. What were you doing on your phone that Mr. Richie just took it?" Her mom asked "Nothing. I was just scrolling through family photos and he just slipped it out of my hand and said "Young lady, we do not have phones out in class." Camila said mocking Mr. Richie's voice. Camila's mom shook her head

"Sweetie, from what I'm hearing you didn't do anything wrong." Camila's mom said "Exactly." Camila said, her mom sighed "Go back to class and just get your phone back at the end of class." Camila's mom said. Camila nodded and got up. She grabbed her books and walked out of her mother's office. Camila made her way to Mr. Richie's class room

"Ah Miss Cabello. What did the principal say?" Mr. Richie asked "Nothing just that I didn't do anything wrong and that I shall get my phone back at the end of class." Camila stated "What? She didn't give you detention?" He asked Camila shook her head and sat in her seat "Alright then. You'll get your phone back after class." He said. Camila nodded and opened her book

After School
Camila walked into her house and put her backpack on the floor, she ran upstairs to her room. She felt her phone vibrate. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at it. It was a text from an unknown number. She opened it

Hay Camz :)

Who is this? How did you get my number?

It's Lauren and I got it from your sister

Oh. Hey Lauren :)

Camila quickly saved Lauren's number as Lauren

I missed you today in Chemistry. Where were you?

I had to take my sister to a doctor appointment lol. It sucks being the oldest of four

Yeah I feel for you. I'm the oldest if three

Yikes. So did you meet the new family yet?

Not yet. Did you?

Yes I have. Six kids wow must be tough :(

Yeah. What's their names?

Camellia, Lila, Izzy, Dallas, Sirena and Aquata

Oh geez. That's a lot of kids 😁😂

Yeah. Lmao

How old are they?

17, 15, 15, 9, 6, 6

Holy Canopy 😂😂. So many ages. Lmao

Yeah lol. Hey I gotta go. My mom just made dinner

Okay bye

Bye. See ya tomorrow :)

See ya tomorrow ;)

Camila quickly turned her phone off then ran downstairs for dinner. She finished eating then walked upstairs to her room, changed and slipped herself under the covers and quickly fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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