1.The Beginning

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*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*

I hear my alarm go off, I mumble into my pillow and pull the duvet over my head.

*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*

It's getting really annoying now. I lazily reach out my hand from under the covers and hit the snooze button. I lay there for a couple more minutes before I decide to finally slowly open my eyes, squinting at the time on my alarm clock. 7am. I don't have to be at school until 9 but i take forever to get ready. I manage to get out of bed and drag myself up the stairs to the kitchen to get breakfast.

As I sit at the counter eating my warm toast with Philadelphia cheese spread and drinking my coffee, I think about this coming year. Year 12, my graduating year. My last few years have been pretty average and I can't wait to finally graduate. Hopefully this year will be good.

I snap out of my day dreaming and head back down stairs to have a shower and get dressed. The hot shower wakes me up a little bit. I stand in front of the mirror and do my makeup and hair. I put on my favourite pair of skinny jeans, a black cropped T-shirt, a dark blue trench coat and some simple tan ballet flats. I grab my car keys and rush out the door.

I arrive in the school car park and find a spot next to a little blue Suburau. As I'm about to exit my car I look in the rearview mirror adjusting my short auburn hair. Just as I am checking my makeup I see a tall figure leaning against a black pickup truck through the mirror, staring back at me. I turn around in my seat but the figure is gone. It must be too early.

I walk up to the front doors of the building to meet up with my best friend Leah.

"Hey Lilly, how long did it take you to get up this morning? Took me about 20 minutes! Haha!" Leah asks me.

"Tell me about it! I tried to drown out the sound by covering my head with the duvet!" I respond to her while laughing.

We walk through the familiar doors and down the hallway to administration to get our locker codes and what not. Our lockers are no where each other but we plan to met each other during break. As I open my locker and begin to place my belongings inside, I feel a large presence behind me. A large pair of hands slide around on to my hips. One of the hands lifts off and it pulls the left side of my hair back and holds it. The figure leans in, mouth close to my ear, as I'm completely frozen.

"I'm Liam" the deep, husky voice whispers. I gasp, snapping out of my trance that this guy brought over me, giving me goosebumps. Before I know it, his hands slide away and he's gone.

Who was this guy? Was he the same person I saw in the car park? I didn't even see his face. Will I ever know who he is?

The bell rings and I hurry to class.

I enter room 14. My English class. I look around to see if I can sit next anyone but most of the seats are taken so I sit by myself, second row from the back. Our English teacher Mr.Goodwill starts to talk about what we are learning for this year and I kind of zone out after about 5 minutes.

"Then in the second term we will be learning about Sh-" He's interrupted by the opening of the classroom door and there standing in the doorway is a tall, quite muscular boy with hair that's been shaven at the sides and hair growing in the middle. He's wearing a tight, black t-shirt which compliments his muscles. He has one hand in his dark, skinny jeans and the other holding his books. To finish the look he is wearing white hi-top sneakers.

"Nice of you to join us, Liam" Mr.Goodwill says sarcastically but I can't help but stare at this boy.

"My pleasure, sir" he says with a smirk and walks into the classroom and sits in the last chair left, behind me.

Liam? Could this be the Liam that whispered in my ear? The Liam that made me feel goosebumps all over my body? How was I going to find out?

The rest of the class was pretty boring then the bell rings, I stand up and push my chair in. I gather my books and I turn to leave when I bump into something hard making me drop them. I look up and see these beautiful, dark brown eyes. I catch myself staring and shake my head.

"Sorry" I apologise, leaning down to pick up my books.

"It's alright, babe" He says with a smirk and winks at me before walking off casually. It definitely was him, I remember his voice from the lockers. Usually I would be pissed off if someone just walked off and not helped me but there's something about how he didn't, it was different, almost attractive. I pick up the rest of my books and hurry out of the classroom to meet up with Leah.

"So he just walked off? What the hell? He sounds like a douchebag!" Leah says as she sips her coffee. We are sitting at the coffee shop just across the road from the school. I told her what happened today. I tell her everything, I couldn't keep it to myself anyway. At first she was almost screaming at kept saying 'oh my god' but she has a change of heart now since I told her what happened in English.

"Eh, I didn't really mind, I didn't have that many books anyway." I did tell her everything except they way I felt at those moments. I could hardly describe it to myself and she would probably start teasing me if I told her.

We keep on talking about our classes and what our plans are for the rest of the year and other stuff. We checked the time and realised we had to head back over to school.

Will he be in any of my other classes? Maybe that he has seen me properly, he doesn't want me like I thought he did? Or was this all a game?

(This is my first Fan Fiction so don't be too mean hah. I would like constrictive criticism though and also what you would like to see. Lilly, the main girl, is one of close friends who came up with the idea for my story. If you would like a visual her twitter is @lilstagram and her best friend Leah is @leahwadstagram. If I get votes and likes and comments it will motivate me to write more. Thanks!)

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