3.Wild Night

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When I arrive home, I find a note on the counter that my mum will be out tonight. Great. I will be home alone with my thoughts. I still can't get my head around what happened with Liam. Will he be coming back to school still? If he does, things will be so awkward between us.

As I walk to the kitchen to see what I can make for dinner, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I slide it out to see that I have a couple texts from Leah.

*hey there's a party tonight at Sarah's to 'celebrate' the start of school lol U should come!*

*Starts at 10!*

I stare at the screen and try to decide whether to go. I start to weigh up my choices. I can either stay at home by myself, watching TV, eat the whole kitchen and think about Liam or I could go to Sarah's and be with my friends but probably still think about Liam. It's a lose lose situation but maybe the party will take my mind of him a little bit.

*See you there!* I text her back. I have a feeling it's going to be a fun night.

I walk down the stairs and look through my wardrobe to find something to wear I've still got a few hours but I need to make a good impression on the first big party of the year.

After going through every thing in my wardrobe I finally pick out a dress. It's a simple red body-con that reaches to my mid-thigh. I decide to pair it with my black louboutins that I got for Christmas last year. By the time I do my makeup and hair and make final adjustments to my outfit, it's time to leave. I grab my black clutch and head out the door.

I arrive at Sarah's and there are already a bunch of people there, some already drunk. I walk inside and try to find Leah. I walk through the sea of people looking out for her. Finally I spot her short brown hair and walk towards her. She is wearing a grey patterned shift dress with black sleeves and black cutout shoes with block heels. She looks stunning.

"Hey lil! That dress looks great on you!" Leah tells me, while hugging me.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" I say, giggling while playfully smacking her arm. I realise she has been talking to Angie and Lucy.

"You want a drink?" Leah asks and I nod following her to the kitchen. She hands me a plastic cup and pours the drink inside it.

After a couple more drinks, okay maybe more than a couple, the girls and I decide that we want to dance. We turn up the music and step up on the table. We move our bodies to the beat of the music while people,mainly guys, start to surround us and watch us dance. As most of the party ends up where we are. I look around and I see a tall figure leaning against the wall, staring at me. It must be the alcohol, this isn't his scene I gathered from the rumours I've heard about him. I go back to dancing and look back at the spot. No ones there. Must be imagining things. I managed to spend the whole night without thinking of him and now I'm seeing him when he isn't even here. Before I can think about it too much, I get another drink.

After a good hour, we decide to rest from dancing. Leah, Angie and I start chatting away until they want to get another drink so they leave me there while they go to the kitchen. I stand against a wall looking around to see if I can see anyone I know. I can't see anyone so I decide to just wait for Leah and Angie. As I watch the crowd, someone starts to walk towards me. They get closer and it's a buff guy with dirty blonde hair in a white T-shirt and black jeans with brown pointed boots.

"I saw you dancing before, you sure know how to move your body." He says to me with a smirk. He gets even closer to me, making me backing up against the wall. "I know how we can make good use of that. My names Chad." He says with a wink and leans closer to me, his body up against mine. He leans in towards me and I close my eyes. I feel his breath on face, stinking of alcohol but before I know it, his weight is lifted off me and I snap my eyes open. He didn't disappear, he was pressed up against a wall with another guys forearm pressing into his neck. The angry guy's face was right up in Chad's yelling at him. I recognise that haircut from anywhere.

"You fucking go near her again and you will be fucking dead, you understand?" Liam yelled into his face. Seconds ago Chad seemed so intimidating but now he looks as scared as me. He nods his head quickly and Liam removes his arm from under his chin and he falls to the floor. Liam looks down and spits on him. I think I hear him whisper the word 'pathetic'. He turns around to look at me. I'm in utter shock and the colour drains from my face. Before he can say anything I run off, to get far away from him as possible.

How can he do that? The guy was some drunk horny idiot. Yes I'm drunk too but that doesn't mean I don't have common sense. I wouldn't let him take me upstairs. Why would Liam do that? He treated him like I was his or something. We kissed once and he thinks he has me? All of the goose-bump feelings about him are now replaced with anger towards him.

I end up in the backyard and sit down in one of the deck chairs. I sit there looking up at the stars, admiring their beauty.

I know he's not going to come look for me but I couldn't care less. He couldn't care less. I don't want to be around someone like that. No, not again.

As I lay on the chair, I hear footsteps walking on the grass of the garden. I heard them get closer and closer. My body stiffened. Was it him? Was he going to hit me? The sound stopped right behind me then suddenly someone grabs my shoulder and I jump.

"Woah calm down giiiiiirl it's just meeee, Leeeeeeah! I've been looking for you everywhere" Leah slurs while making large hand gestures to emphasise.

"Come on let me get you another drink!" She grabs my wrist and pulls me inside. Maybe the alcohol will make me forget about everything that has happened tonight.

Leah and I go back to dancing but not on the table this time, just in the crowd of people. I lose myself in the music and as I look around I realise that Leah is gone. I scan the room and not to my surprise she's walking up the stairs, hand-in-hand with her 'friend' Ashton. She looks at me and stops. She winks at me with a big smirk then carries on walking. Those two have a very interesting relationship.

By the end of the night I end up sleeping in one of the guest rooms, way too drunk to go back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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