2."What's Your Name Love?"

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Finally it's Friday. The past few days have been uneventful. I haven't seen Liam since Monday. There are rumours that he dropped out because apparently he has a reputation for that kind of behaviour. Maybe it was because of me? I don't know why I'm so hung up on this guy. I've seen him about three times, the last time he was completely rude to me. So why do I think about him every minute of the day? Hopefully he has dropped out, maybe that will help me move on.

I head over to my locker after a short goodbye to Leah. I gather my books for class. Every time I stand in front of my locker, it gives me goosebumps. It reminds me when Liam put his hands around my waist and his husky voice whispering in my ear. What is wrong with me? I quickly leave with my books and walk to English.

I sit down in the seat I sat in Monday. Mr Goodwill enters the room and starts the class. He writes down some notes on the board for us to copy down. Halfway through writing my notes, the door creaks open. I snap my head up. I swear I was imagining things when I saw a tall, muscular boy dressed in all black, standing in the doorway. I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming but sure enough it was him. Liam. As I looked at him, he catches my eyes and gives me a cheeky smirk then starts to walk towards me.

My heart races as he gets closer. Was he going to say something to me? Maybe apologise for just leaving me on Monday? Probably not. He reaches my desk and walks straight past me and sits down at the seat behind me. Why has he just shown up today, all of a sudden? I probably won't ever find out.

The rest of the class goes by quickly. The bell rings and everyone gathers their things and pile out of the room. I wait until everyone leaves so I won't get pushed and shoved. As I leave, I let Mr Goodwill leave first to be polite. Just as I was about to step out, something grabs my wrist, turning me around. The tall figure slams the door behind me with his free hand and pushes me up against it, pinning my arm he was still holding, next to my head. He leans in, our faces inches apart. I breathe heavily, trying to recover from the shock. He lets go of my hand and pushes his body against me, trapping me.

"What's your name, love?" Liam asks in his husky, deep voice.

"Li-Lilly" I stutter out.

"Hot" He breathes out, leaning his lips closer to mine. Before I know it, his lips are on mine. He runs his tongue across my bottom lip and my lips react and open and he enters his tongue. I moan into his lips and I can feel him smirk. He snakes his hands around my waist then slowly lowering to my bum and squeezes it. I moan again and I put my hands around his neck to pull him into me more. One of his hands lifts from my bum and goes to the top of my jeans, starting to undo the button.

My brain finally realises what is going on, what the hell was I doing? I pull away from his lips and grab his hand stopping him from his actions. He is shocked for a second or two then lowers his eyes at me.

"What's wrong babe, you were enjoying it so much." He said into my ear as his hand reaches back down to the button on my jeans.

"I-I can't do this, I'm sorry." I manage so say, pushing his hand away, again.

"What? You got some prude boyfriend or something?" He snaps.

"Um, no it's just, I've got to meet my friend." I stumble out and quickly grab the door handle and rush out of the room.

What was I thinking? I don't think I was thinking at all. Shit. What just happened. What's going to happen now? Millions of thoughts run through my head as I reach my locker, throw my books inside and text Leah that I'm on my way.

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