Part One

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Copyright (C) 2012 Jenna Elizabeth Johnson

All Rights Reserved

Fire and Ice is posted for your reading enjoyment only and not to be reposted anywhere else. Thank you and happy reading!

This story can also be found in the Tales of Oescienne Short Story Collection at:


Ahseína - AH-say-nuh

Dathian - DA-thee-en

Denaeh - di-NAY-uh

Ellysian - uh-LISS-ee-an

Ethöes - ETH-oh-es

Eydeth - AY-deth

Faerra - FARE-uh

Gieaun - JOON

Gracelle - Gra-SELL

Hroombramantu -HROOM-bruh-mon-too

Jahrra - JAIR-uh

Kihna - KEE-nuh

Lidien - LI-dee-en

Pahrdh - PARD

Prenne - PREN

Raejaaxorix - RAY-jax-or-ix

Rennor - REN-or

Rhudedth - ROO-dedth

Sapheramin - SA-fare-uh-min

Scede - SADE

Shiroxx - SHEE-rox

Tollorias - toe-LORE-ee-us

Yddian - ID-ee-an

Part One

The dragon Raejaaxorix reclined casually in his study, peering through the window that looked down over the city of Lidien. The morning was still very young and he knew he wouldn't be needed at Emehriel Hall for at least three more hours. For now, he would just enjoy the peace and quiet for once. He and a few of his fellow dragon friends had just returned from a long campaign in which they were required to spend countless hours in the air while checking the boundaries of Oescienne for trouble. They had not detected any enemies, so Jaax had given everyone some time off to rest before they began the same routine again.

Jaax sighed, the air around him heating up with the fire that smoldered within him. It was a tedious job, guarding the young girl Jahrra from a distance, but it had to be done. Luckily, none of his companions ever complained, well, almost none of them. Jaax quirked a knowing grin at a faded memory: Shiroxx, a Tanaan dragon like him, constantly asking why they had to scour the fringes of Oescienne, hoping to spot danger when it would be so much easier just to bring the child to Lidien where the Coalition could watch her from its door step.

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