i want to make flowers grow out from up under your skin && blossom at your fingertips ,
&& make love to the soil that sets right under your stomach because it aligns with your hips ,
i am forever wishing to be in your presence so i can finally feel your warm embrace & the softness
of your lips ,
i want to be able to taste the sweetness in your tone every time we talk ..
but i'll settle for a kiss .
would you allow me to touch your promises ,
so i can make my heart believe that this is actually real ,
&& then maybe my mind could learn self control && stop confusing my heart on how to feel ..
will you be patient with me until trust issues && insecurities become something in the past ,
&& my over thinking , & mixed emotions stop leading me to believe & assume things that make
me out to be an ass ,
i want to be able to go angles with you that i thought were nonexistent ,
because every time i dazed out you would find your way inside my eyes && replace yourself with
my vision ,
i want to inhale && swallow down your most deepest inner thoughts ,
so they could collide with mine && we could be the bookmark of a perfect love that everyone
dreams of && wants ..
impossible is just another word for unbelievable ,
but together we can show the world that a love that seems impossible ,
is something we can pull .
will you allow me to caress your emotions until your ego is swollen enough to keep us floating &&
avoid drowning in an ocean of broken promises && emotions ,
will you continue to let your smile be the sunshine that glitters the pavement i walk on as the days
go by ,
&& admit that you're the shadow that walks with me on the sunniest days to steal kisses && form
them into clouds that complete the sky ,
&& it doesn't trouble me to admit that you're a branch ..
in my tree of life who's strong roots have managed to captured every part of me & you ..