The Inncocent

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To be royal was truly a luxury. Simply common sense among the people. The streets of Haruna were busy and filled with merchants. Being the capital, the enormous city had a target painted on its economy and on its goods. People would come from near and far to see its vast variety of culture and beauty. Though it was the capital of the mighty nation Manacolia, cultures from many other nations flourished among its streets within the people who came there. Alas, merchants and tourists weren't the only frequent visitors of this beautiful city. Pirates and thieves lurked in every shadow on the underbelly, out of sight by the higher ups but very visible to the citizens who lived among them.

      In the window of a small black smith's shop downtown, a young girl could often be seen. Sitting, reading, and occasionally just watching the people pass by. Locals know her as the black smith's sister but those who truly are aqua red with her, know her as Susie. The small girl ran her delicate fingers along the aged parchment printed with several words. These books were her only escape to the world outside Haruna. The small room above the shop was cramped with two beds, a stove, and a small Shamir placed by the window surrounded by small piles of thick books. Small taps could be heard from downstairs as she tip toed across the room to the stair case where she made her appearance in the back of the shop. Susie's hazel eyes danced across the room at each newly formed tool that dangled from racks that covered the wall.

      The work room was strangely empty. On a usual morning when Susie arrived in the workroom she would find Gabriel hard at work on some important order. He carried out repairs in the morning then forged in the evening. The embers in the large fire pit were close to death before she plucked a few handfuls of coal from their chest and pulled a large metal lever on the side of the huge tank that sent a pulse of air into e chamber of heat. The lever was difficult to move. It was heavy and due for a repair. With an exhausted sigh, Susie stretched and skipped to the front desk in the front room. Empty as well. She waited by the door, her fingers rested upon the cold metal sign in the window. At the the tune of the first trolly's whistle she would turn the sign and unlock the door. And finally, she would proceed to check the safe under the floor boards in case of theft; but that would be on a usual morning. Before the young girl's mind could fill with too much do's of the day, the loud tune of the trolly's whistle filled the air of the streets and buildings. The sign flipped in an instant and the door flung open. The day had begun.

      Not much happened in this little shop. It was isolated on the back roads of Haruna. No one ever came into the shop without a journey behind them. Susie's brother, Gabriel was the most skilled blacksmith in all of northern Manacolia. The day would stretch on like any other as Susie watched the shop. Her long chestnut hair laid across the counter is soft strands as she rested her doll like face on her arms. She had no knowledge of where Gabriel could be. He never told her when he was leaving or when he would return. Alas, a thing like this happened often and she was aquatinted with waiting for him. The hot summer air blew on her face; the door was opened. The young girl's eyes fluttered opened, raising their attention to a slim boy of a caramel olive complexion. His ice cold stare glanced over her and shot to the various display cases. He spoke plainly as if he were on the verge of snapping into a burst of anger.

"I'm looking for the owner of this shop" he returned his impatient gaze to her.

      The air in the shop grew cold. A shudder traveled down the small girl's spine as he spoke; she was speechless. His impatience grew, clear on his expression. Who was this boy? He seemed important and terrifying in a way but her fear soon melted away like ice placed on a hot plate. Though his eyes were filled with anger they seemed different than that of  a corrupt person. A response was in order for his question so she spoke softly despite his negative attitude.

"I'm afraid my brother isn't here at the moment, but I can take an order if that's why you're here"

      Frustrated, his fingers ran through his silver spikes and sighed. He nodded in agreement.

"Yeah sure, I need to place a special order" his hand stretched into a leather pouch dangling from a belt loop on his fine tailored trousers. Clearly someone of importance but who could he possibly be? The boy placed a small folded piece of parchment on the wooden counter.

"I'll return before next week to pick everything up. Good day"

"Wait I need your-" her words were meaningless. The stranger had already mad his way out the door and around the shadowed corner. "Name..."

      The curiosity bellowed inside her as she stared eagerly at the door. She's never met a person with such anger and sadness in their eyes. It fascinated her more than anything she's encountered before. Her doll like fingers tapped the old counter, a soft smile formed her lips the more she thought of the kind of person he might be. The door swung open, interrupting her trailing thoughts. A tall man with short blackened hair burst through the door, past the counter, and into the work room. Quickly, Susie realized who had bolted past her. She grasped the paper in her hand, springing joyfully from her stool and through the doorway to the back room.

"Gabriel! You're home!" She stood happily, grasping the paper tightly as she spoke "I received an order for you not too long ago if you want to look at it la-"

"Yeah yeah that's nice Susie, thanks for watching the shop" he rushed here and there, placing materials in their proper bags and removing fine weaponry from each rack. As he passed the small girl his hand lightly patted her soft hair.
"So what's this about an order?" He spoke from the shop, replacing the signs and displays.

"Well I didn't catch his name but he left this paper" before she could say anymore, the pastime the was removed from her hand and examined by busy eyes.

"Thank you, go back upstairs. I'm expecting a very important customer"

"But I just learned how to work the register! I might be able to-"

"No buts! Now get yourself up for those stairs and lock the door. I put some new books on the steamer so take those with you"

      There was no arguing with him. As much as she wanted to refuse and stand strong, she would never convince him of allowing her to stay. With a sulking sigh, she dragged her feet back through the workroom, taking the stack of novels in her arms and up the stairs she walked. A glance behind her at the busy shop was all she could use in response of her longing to stay. The door was locked behind her, the books were placed in proper order and her place was taken on the small chair by the window, looking down enviously at the people passing by.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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