The Attack

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"Its so much darker out of Phoenix Drop. The only light is the stars and the moon." Laurence grinned "Do your eyes count as a light source?" Aphmau laughed and rolled her eyes, "You really have to step up your game if you want to win me over." Laurence chuckled. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the tree next to them. "What the heck?! There's not a cloud in the sky!" Said Aphmau, she had fallen over Laurence was pulling her up. "I'm not sure but-" Laurence transformed into his shadow night form. He yelled out to Aphmau, "We need to move now! I turned into this form because there is evil in the air, can't you feel it with your Irean powers?!" Aphmau was panicked. She didn't know if she felt it or not. "APHMAU RUN NOW!" Three shadow souls stepped from behind the tree that was struck and surrounded Laurence. "I can't leave you Laurence don't they feed off of you?!" Aphmau said starting to tear up thinking of how she left Garroth just like this. "Aphmau..." Laurence whispered becoming pale, the shadow souls seemed to be getting lager and starting to move toward Aphmau. "I'll be fine go--please" said Laurence he was closing his eyes. "LAURENCE I AM NOT LEAVING!"

There was a large flash of light Aphmau had her wings and a white blade. The shadow souls were down but so was Laurence. She ran to him and checked his pulse. She didn't feel anything. A single tear fell from her face onto Laurence, he transformed back his human form. "Laurence?" His body rose into the air and stood him strait up. "Why didn't you leave me, you could have been seriously hurt." Said Laurence not even caring about himself. "Last time I did that I never saw them again..." Aphmau was hugging him she pulled away and Laurence leaned in, she was overwhelmed she leaned in and pulled away, thought of Garroth, and said, "Let's get to Metele it's already morning." Laurence stood in the middle of the woods watching Aphmau walk on confuse yet thankful.

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