Chapter 15

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Cain open the bedroom door with one hand his eyes locked with mine. His eyes were the brightest blue. Deep pools of clear water with the allusion of crystal blue stones at the bottom. I could feel the heat through his clothes. I have got used to the tingles which at first felt like I stuck my finger in a light socket. Now they were shocking but pulled me toward him.

Cain kicked the door shut with his foot lifting me up closer that my head was level his. He bent his head closer brushing his lips against mine. His minty breath blowing soft puffs against my lips, as he lowered me into the middle of his bed. Cain lowered his body on top of me, trapping my lower body the weight of his legs.

Resting on his elbows his hands reached out gathering both my hands in one. "Cain we need to talk", I whispered trying to wiggle my body out from under his weight.

"Going some where mate? I think the term is, Checkmate! Game over!"

He held my hands together over my head as one hand pulled the sundress down as one boob popped out. His lips latched onto my nipple sucking, bathing it with his tongue. I arched my back letting a low moan escape between my lips. Cain rolled his body to one side never letting go. His lips, tongue still attached to my breast. Pulling me over toward him increased the pressure of Cain's mouth. The sucking sensation was mind blowing. Damn I can feel the ache between my legs.

Cain's fingers skimmed up to the top of my dress slowly unzipping my dress. Quickly he moved ,completely removing the dress leaving me in nothing but a pair of panties. My hands went up to cover my breast when Cain folded them into his laying them by my side.

"Do not cover what is mine kitten", his voice husky. His hand moved down to my waist watching my eyes. His hand drifted lower his fingers lifting up the band of my panties tracing his finger over my skin. Suddenly he took a deep breath, smirking,"I can smell your arousal kitten. I have waited too long. I need a taste."

Cain moved lower kissing his way down to the top of my panties. With a flick of his hands he ripped them throwing them over to the side.

"What the hell? You cannot do that !, pushing his head trying to cover myself with my hands.

I mean I never, you know never!

"Remove your hand Sam. Do not challenge me cause you will lose. I want to taste your honey ',licking his lips.

" Sex is not the answer to everything you know', raising an eyebrow at him. Maybe I can get him distracted long enough to make a run for the bathroom. If I am lucky I can have time on my side to cool off his raging hormones.

"Tssssk, Sam , Sam", moving his hand stroking down the slit of my core with one finger. I hissed!

Shit I am in deep! Slowly I watched him bring his fingertip wet of my essence into his mouth sucking the very end.

His eyes flashed gold.

Cain straddled my hips tossing his shirt off. "No more running my sneaky little mate, I will claim what's mine', unsnapping his pants. Standing quickly they dropped to the floor. Oh hell he is not huge , but he is in the holy cow category. His boxers done nothing to hide his huge love stick.

He moved over me settling his legs in between mine. Framing my face with his hands his thumbs rubbed my cheek bone looking into my eyes. "Tell me little mate, tell me who you belong to", he cooed.

"I belong to no one but myself Cain, especially not no man', I hissed as he thrust his long length back an forth. The friction even through his boxers was, damn delicious.

"Wrong answer Sam."

He started kissing my breast one at a time giving equal attention to both. Sliding down across my stomach dipping his tongue into my navel. Each new spot I felt my body draw up waiting for him explore another area.

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