Chapter 13 | The Concert

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^-^/ Hi.

"Wait, but Lauren you really don't have to."

"I'm on my way over to San Diego to anyways. Come on Camz."

Lauren has been trying to convince Camila to go with Hailee and her to San Diego on her helicopter. Camila was afraid of flying, mostly because of all the plane crashes she's seen in movies. It would save the girls three hours of driving or even more depending on the traffic.

"Yeah come on Milz, let's go on the chopper. It's going to be so cool." Lauren sensed Camila's fear for flying so she went up to her and gave her a hug.

"Come on babe, I'll be right next to you the whole time." Camila hugged her tight and the older girl placed a kiss on her temple.

"You don't have to if you really don't want to though. I understand, I used to be super scared as well. But I got over my fear by getting on that airplane." Camila looked up to her and giggled.

"Now that's a new one, you scared of that."

"Hell nah, the Lauren Jauregui ain't scared of nothing." Camila just stuck out her tongue while rolling her eyes.

"Alright I'll go. But only if you let me hold your hand the whole way." Whispered Camila so only Lauren could hear.

"Sure babe, you shouldn't even ask for that."

Lauren leaned down a bit and took Camila's lip in her's. Both girls loved how their lips seems to fit perfectly in each others. Their kiss was cut short by a flash.

"So posting this on my Instagram. By the way could you follow me, at haileesteinfeld." Lauren chuckled and shook her head.

"Sure but first put a watermark on it so people won't say they took it."

"No problemo. Done. Check and listo."

@haileesteinfeld: ugh these two are so cute together 😝, I need to get used to it. 💕😘

*picture attached*

After she posted the picture of Lauren and Camila kissing, lots of people have been spamming her asking if the two girls are dating. They all just ignored them and went on their way to Lauren's helicopter landing pad, which was close by. By now the paparazzi have been posting stories about the picture and Hailee and Camila have gotten tons of followers. It was chaos on their social media accounts so they shut off their notifications.

They got permission to land on the concerts' parking space, the whole ride was filled with talk about random topics. Camila, like she said, had not let go of Lauren's hand, both their hands remaining intertwined the whole ride.

The Weeknd was not to come out and sing until eight, but the concert itself would start at six. The opening acts, Travi$ Scott and Drake would spend an hour on stage singing. Seeing as they had two hours to kill, the girls called a Uber that drove them over to a near by Starbucks.

"Say aren't you Camilla Cabelo?" Asked the older man driving the car.

"Yes that's me." Camila never really liked correcting people who said her name right, so Hailee did for her beating Lauren on saying it.

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