Well hello there. So I canceled the other stories because they are under construction and need a lot less drifting into other worlds. So here is a story I started but never really got to finish though I might.
Chapter One
Smoke arose from the mist of the dirty horizon a gust of wind carried the scent of death and blood through the mind of Netro. Her eyes shot up at the grand building that crept up the snowy hills imitating a large gravestone. She had never seen such a sight of inexplicable horror no windows, just one gray door surrounded by other gray walls, a great barrier created from iron practically impenetrable. She leaned back in her seat covering her nose with her leather jacket trying to keep the smell away. She was used to the smell but it had never reeked more than it did now as her car approached two gates a golden crow was set in their center. It was the mark for Lab #529. The lab she was sent to protect from the infected with manducare carnem. A deadly disease that sent the infected in a murderous rampage seeking flesh before their blood rust overpowered them.
“This is it right?” She asked the driver that had driven her from her home in the south east of Zen.
“It is” He signaled the door. She grabbed her bags; they were not many she did not have much under her name. The snow crunched under her feet as she stepped out, the car she had been in for two days disappeared within seconds leaving her standing alone in the winter’s ground. The gates opened once again and a car came along with it, Netro stormed out of the way. The car’s door opened slightly and closed quickly over and over again.
“Take me back home!”-Came a girl’s voice- “I said take me back home or I will slit your throats and then hang you!”
“Then again if you slit their throats then what’s the point of hanging them?” This time it was a voice that belonged to a boy.
“Oh just shut up! Ouch!” The door slammed open and a girl with orange hair jumped out. “Don’t you push me!”
“Well that was the only way you would get out of the car” A tall boy with glasses stepped out. The car drove off.
“Come back!” The girl ran at the gates though they closed as soon as she got there. The boy sighed in desperation.
“It’s good that she’s pretty…but not pretty enough”-Netro could had stayed but the snow intensified in a matter of seconds and she did not want to be influenced by the foul language that the girl had began to use.
Inside of the base it was no different than the cold outside. The walls were gray the doors were gray even the few people inside seemed gray and gloomy, like the rest of the new world. Netro sat down in one of the benches in the long corridor that lead to the bed chambers. She took out a long thin paper with thick staining ink. It was her schedule, along with her room number.
Netro 285
District Zen, South West
Birth: May, 2, 2367 Date: May, 3, 2072 Age: 16
Room: #763 Positions: Front Guard
“So it’s room 763” She muttered to herself as she walked to the door, a gray one like the rest. The number stood out in a rusty silver form the surface of the door. She entered. Was the world just a copy of the dead outside, everything seemed and was the same as a rotting carcass? Her room looked like a prison, smelled like a prison, seemed and would as she would soon learn become a prison.
She unpacked her bags quickly, there was really nothing to take out. She stuck her clothes in a small drawer that sat in the wall right next to her metal bunk that touched the other side of the wall demonstrating the small size of the room. On top of the drawer was a mirror and as Netro stood from bending over when she placed her clothes in the vanity she could not help noticing herself. She looked different. The golden lines in her hair no longer stood out form her deep brown, her skin was paler than before almost as white as the snow that rested outside. She went back at her bag and took out a small frame. Inside the frame was a photograph she had taken from her mother before she left, the photograph was bent and torn, in simpler words it was not in a good shape. There she was in the center a smile put in her face that smile was created by her brother who stood next to her. She outlined his face with her finger, she missed him dearly. She looked at that photograph everyday so she would never forget his face or every memory they shared before he left to Lab #147. She stuck the photograph back in when she heard mutters in the hallway, moments later the door burst open and the girl with orange hair walked in.
“Really! Now we’re sharing rooms!” She turned around from the door and looked at Netro, her eyes full of scorn.
“Hi” Netro smiled at her, The girl’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Bye, you need to go now this is my room” She said picking up Netro’s bag and tossing it out side.
“But my schedule says I’m in room seven six three”-
“I don’t care; I’m not sharing a room with you” She said the you part quite a large amount of disdain.
“You don’t even know me”-
“What’s your name?” she rolled her eyes.
“Hallo Netro I’m Orly…there you go I know you bye-bye”
“Bye-bye!” Orly pushed her out of the room along with her clothes. She was back out in the hallway. Alone.
So I hope you liked it if you haven't got the message it is about zombies and stuf like that. I always wanted to write a zombie story though I never tried and this is my attept so don't be stupid and not vote. So
and don't forget to eat those burritos.
Science Fiction"Blood drenched she walked slowly. The horrid smell covered her like a blanket. Orly walked along besides her trembling. Netro tried to hide the fear and grief in her face. She had lost her brother, her best friend, and now maybe even what she care...