The Wreck

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Chapter 1:
Have you ever said something to someone that you ment at the moment, but later regret. Usually you can say something to make it better for yourself or the situation. Seems easy, but what if you could never say anything again because that person never existed. What you thought was real is nothing but a faded memory that only you will remember. No one else, not even a soul knows this person, haven't seen them. Didn't get to know them. Sucks right? Well this happened to Izabella at a very young age.
"Daddy can you play with me?" Izabella said holding her blue rabbit in both her hands looking up and him. "Sorry pumpkin, but I have to go to work. Maybe tomorrow." Her dad said while standing up and kissing her forehead and patting her head. She looked down at her feet and got sad. She walked to her room, and sat on her bed. She turned to the closet and tilted her head in confusion. She examined the door close from a distance, and hopped off her bed. She started to walk to the door slowly holding her rabbit in one hand and extending her other hand to grab the nob. She looked at her open bedroom door and saw no one, but heard someone calling her name. Over and over it said Izabella, Izabella, Izabella. The more she payed attention the more she noticed it was coming from down the hall. So she ran down the hall to the living room and looked around, saw no one. The only thing in there was the dog, and he looked at her as she walked to him. And he growled and stood his ground. Growling over and over, but not at her, but next to her.
Confused and looking around she saw a boy, and she screamed. She ran down the hall into her mom room into her closet and closed the door. Then she heard the footsteps coming down the hall following with laughter, and them they stopped right at the bedroom. Then, it got quiet, not just quiet, but strange quiet. Her surroundings began to mix and mash with blue and red, and she saw the boy reaching for her, holding out his hand. She reached and grabbed it. She fell on the couch from some u per distance. She looked around for the boy and saw him sitting in every seat possible. Waving and saying hi all at the same time. Scared the hell out of her, but made her feel warm inside. Then she boys all formed into one, and disappeared as she fell asleep. Out cold, white body, blue hair. Nothing to save her from this reality rape.

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