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"You are beautiful no matter what they say words can't bring me down"
My alarm clock sang.Ughhh school I yawned.I got up and took a quick shower,brushed my teeth then got dressed in a grey shirt with A 32 on it,jean shorts(pic above)and my white converse.I straightened my hair and left it down I put on some mascara and Chapstick grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.I ate breakfast and went to the bus stop.Yayyy another day of beatings I sarcastically thought to myself.The bus arrived and I walked down the isle until I got to the very back of the bus.We made it to school and I went inside and headed to my locker I put my stuff in keeping what I needed and closed me locker door.I turned around and there they were the 9 Devils.There names were Matthew,Aaron,Cameron,Taylor,Shawn,Nash,Jack G,Jack J,and Carter.Aaron was the leader of the group.He came up to me and said "Where the fuck do you think your going?" "I'm going to class" I said he turned around and signaled Carter to come up and he did,he kicked my leg causing me to fall then Shawn came up and punched me in the gut.After they were done Aaron walked back up to me and said meet us behind the school at 3:00 or else you will regret it.I nodded and left to class I saw my best friend Logan(girl) at her locker so I stopped so we could walk to class together.We walked into class and sat next to each other.Then Mrs.Sparks talked and talked then she started to talk about how we were doing a project where we would have to go over to the partners house.She started to announce the partners...
Logan and Drew
Emma and Sydney
Aaron and Sophie
Greg and Patricia...and so on.
I can't be with Aaron he is one of my ABUSIVE bullies I thought to myself.The bell rang and class was over.Aaron came up to me and said "Hey bitch you're coming to my house tonight." I just said "ok" and walked off.

Okay so how was the first chapter?I hope y'all liked it!💕

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