Undercover Teenage Ops. (Sector V)

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POV Numbuh 3

"Sector V reporting for duty, ma'am sir ma'am" Numbuh 1 announces as we approach Rachael ...I mean Numbuh 362.
It's weird to call her that when we went shopping last week!
Nigel's little girlfriend spends a lot of time in sector V though her and numbuh 1 hardly ever leave his room. Something about super secret plans, I'm guessing she's the reason we got the permotions. She is the only one who stressed a whole sector could become teenage members.

"At ease guys, hey numbuh 6 hundred and 30 hundred, fall out. This is top secret information for the teen age unit of the kids next door!"

A small child no older than 6 runs off grinning to be removed from his post.

"Nigel... This is a really serious matter... and I only trust sector V to help me decide on the solution. "

"Yes?" Numbuh 1 says slowly and we all lean forward to hear.

"Well Numbuhs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5..."

"Baby why ain't you usin' our names?" Numbuh 5 interrupts.

"Nigel, Hoagie, Kuki, Wally, and Abby..." she pauses for a long second. "I'm pregnant.."

There is a collective gasp and after about 15 seconds of solid silence numbuh 1 falls flat on his back unconscious.

"I thought members of the kids next door teen reconisence devesion couldn't have sex?!" Numbuh 2 says frantically.
"We can't Hoagie..." Rachael says slowly, "if the higher ups find out Nigel and I will be terminated from the KND forever. But that's not the worst part... without a leader 3 more teen KND would be too much of a risky idea... they'd scramblafy all of sector V's memories..."

It goes silent again until numbuh 1 begins to stir. As soon as he sits up numbuh 4 dives on to him, "DID YOU EVEN THINK?! BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS AND OUT OF NUMBUH 362 WE'RE ALL GONNA GET THE RAY!!"
"Wally! Get a hold of your self!" I yell yanking him off of a blankly staring numbuh 1.
"I am not losing everything I have worked so hard to get!" Wally says angerly
"Will you excuse us please?" I growl under my breath
"Wally what the hell do you think you are doing?! Numbuh 1 is our friend and we can't just abandon him! "

"Guys calm down numbuh 5 has a plan that might just work." Abby says calmly as the rest of us fight numbuh 4 to the ground. " we'll meet in the tree house tonight past all the kids bed times to talk about how numbuh 5 is gonna help y'all "
We all pull ourselves together and leave at once without even a goodbye spoken.. This is bad.. very very bad..

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