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"Okay, well. I know you're probably mad right now." I said backing up. "Hell yea!" Chres yelled. "But................ how do you know it was us?" I said hoping for a chance to run. "I know it was ya'll bitch! I saw you!" He yelled. "Young man we do not use that kind of language here!" The lady behind the desk stated firmly. "You shut up!" Jacob said to the lady. "Ummm. I think you need to calm down Chres." Devon said. "You know him?" I asked. "Yea, that's my cousin." He answered. "Oh shit. Well I have to go soooooooooooooo." With that I dipped to my first period. Oh how this will go.

I made it to class and met up with Chyawne and Jay'Da. They were still with Chris and Dre. I sat in the back of the class with them and started talking. "Guess how much my scale dropped today?" I asked. "How much?" Jay'Da asked. "-100" I answered. "I just found out Devon is Chresanto's cousin." I told. "Yea, so?" Chris asked. "You don't know. So, just leave it alone." Chyawne said. "It's complicated. You just need to know we aren't the best of friends." I said giving no clues. "Why? Chres is a cool person." He said confused. "Yea. To you probably!" I said raising my voice in anger.

The bell soon rang and students poured in the class. Once that was over my eyes met Devon's when he walked in. With Chresanto and his crew. My smile immediately went to a frown/worried face. He sat down in the back but on the other side. As they sat the girls quickly looked at me worried too. "Good Morning class." the teacher yelled over us. All you heard was students still conversing. "I said GOOD MORNING CLASS!" she yelled. "Good morning Mrs. Brown." the class said in unison. "Thank you. Now that I have your attention. To start off a new semester. We are going to start doing projects with partners." She announced.

"Oh hell naww! Mrs. Brown you said we would NEVER have to do a project in this class. You were supposed to be a cool teacher that we love. We hate partners! All respect lost." I said shaking my head sitting back down from my awesome speech. All you heard was people agreeing with me. "Bitch, sit down. If we doin' projects, we doin' projects." Chresanto yelled at me. "Kiss my ass." I mumbled. "What you say hoe?" He asked with a glare. "Nothing." I said putting my head down.

After 30 minutes of shame in class, the bell finally rung. The students were about to scramble until Mrs. Brown started speaking again. "Wait class." Mrs. Brown said, making the kids groan. "Oh shut up. I almost forgot the partners. They are Melanie and John, Daja and Marcus, Asia and Dejon, Jay'Da and Raquan, Chyawne and Jacob, Nicole and  Chresanto-" before she could even finish embarrassment came. "Fuck no! I'm not working with that thing people call a human. No! Change my partner. That bitch ain't gone ruin my reputation. Shiiiid." Chresanto announced.

The whole class busted out in laughter and I ran out. I went into the bathroom just thinking about how my life could get any worse. No parents, barely any friends, no life. I just wanna die.

Jay'Da POV {Picture On Side}

I honestly don't wanna work with Raquan. I mean I do like him, what am I saying? I am in LOVE with him. I just don't want him to know. He hates my guts. He bullies me like no tomorrow. Plus, his bitch ass friend just embarrassed my best friend. "Why would you do that." I said to Chresanto. "Shut the fuck up. Ray you better get yo' hoe." Chresanto said refering to me. "Sit yo' ass down. You ain't gone do nothing. You gon' get yours at lunch." Ray added. Ughh.

I went to go find Nicole when I heard sniffling in the girls lockerroom. I already know it was her because she was always in there. I walked in and the smell of shit and fish smacked my face. Ewwww I hate these bathrooms so much! "Nicole! Hellooooooo!" I yelled. I saw her balled up in a stoll and crawled threw because I knew she wouldn't let me in. I HATE dirty people.

"Nicole get up." I stated. "Why? I have nothing to look foward too. I already hate goin' home to no parents." She said uncovering her face out of her knees. "Look, you know you have people who care about you. It might not seem like it but it's true. I know your parents love you, it's business though. I love you, Chyawne loves you, I know by the looks Devon WILL love you, Charles love you,- " "Yea but he is my butler. I feel like he is paid to love me. You just don't get it." She cried. "Well, my parents and Chyawnes parents love you too." I finished. "But we love you the most." We heard two voices say.

Loving My Bully? ♥ (A Roc Royal Love Story) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now