Chapter 16

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Jessica's p.o.v:
(The picture is what she's wearing now. We all know Jessica's body so I don't have to say it, righ?)
"Nate, where the hell are you taking me?" I asked Nate laughing a bit.
"I don't know, just close you're eyes and wait." He said smirking.
"What? I'm not closing my eyes. I need to know!!" I said smiling so much.
"Well, if you must know.." He said smirking and I look to the roud and see a lot of lights from a distance and not like city lights.
"O-M-G!!!!!" I said knowing where we were heading.
"Am I the best boyfriend or what??" Nate asked.
"Okay, You're not my boyfriend, but I've got to admit I did have a pretty good time today even regardles of what happend earlier with Jack." He just smiled.
"I'm hungry.." He said.
"Omg YES! I didn't wanna say anything after this but I'm dying.."
"Taco bell?" He asked after he laughed.
"TACO BELL!!!" I yelled and he laughed even more.
"Omg, it's Skate Maloley and Jessica Diaz!" I hear a girl yell. We turn around to see so this pack of like 20 people like no joke.
We started to take pictures with some fans and some of then asked us for like a video saying hi to like a friend or family or whatever.. I was too hungry and people just keept coming and out of nowhere mainly because when people see a pack they tend to follow. I hear a whistle
"Everybody silance!" I hear a man yell.
Everybody opended up so this security gard coud walk to us.
"I can not believe we got kicked out of six flags..!" I said still laughing at what happend and so was Nate as we walked to my door. (The house front door)
"I know but hey, at least it was after we had our fun."
"Defenetly! Well, I'll see you around.." I said.
"Sure." He said and he turned around to start walking to his car so I turned around to unlock the door.
"You know what? NO!" He said turning around and so did I. "I wanna see you tomorrow, at 8:00. So I could finally go on a real oficial date." He said.
"You really wanna go out on a real date with me?" I said looking down as I start to blush.
"Yes, I do!" He said with such pride. He then turned around and started walking back to his car, but I was still their playing with my finger tips waiting for him to leave for some reason...
I hear steps walking to me, I look up and see him walking back to me... Without a word he cupped my face and kissed me... Just a strong kiss.
"Wear something nice." He said, winked at me, he smiled and finally left...

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