
373 13 10


By absoluteinsanity and heidihi1970




The moment I stepped out of the small car I was held in, shouts of anger and hate erupted from the crowds standing outside the large building that would hold my hearing. I stared down at the ground with no expression on my face as the guards stepped in front of me to make way for me to get into the building.

Don't cry, don't cry. I thought to myself over and over again. Sucking in my breath, I peeked up to take in the scene before me. Mobs of furious looking people glared at me, all screaming bloody murder and other derogatory things meant to hurt me. Some had even taken the time to make signs saying things like, "Kill Rachel Williams!"

People spat at me as I made my way through the crowd. If it were not for the guards, these people would've already had me dead the moment I stepped outside the car. My heart throbbed with sadness as the thought of how much these people hated me processed through my mind.

You don't deserve this. I told myself, my eyes turning cold. I stared back at everyone who wanted me gone. These people didn't know anything. They just immediately believed what they heard and hated me with their ignorance. Among the crowds, I spotted some of my old friends. Each one of them had a look of disgust on their face. Did all these years of friendship mean nothing? Did they not know me at all? As much as I tried to dismiss the feeling of hurt inside of me, I couldn't. Soon traitor tears sprang from my eyes and rolled endlessly down my cheeks.

"Rachel Williams! Why don't you just admit that you killed your family and go to hell?!" Someone from the crowd screamed.

I cocked my head to the side and stared at the person who said it. My lips hardened into a thin line, and I said the line I'd been repeating hundreds of times this past week, "I didn't kill anyone."

The person spat at me, "Don't even try to get out of this one bitch, just go rot in hell!"

People that were around the person gave him pats on the back and high fives him at his witty remarks. I turned away before they decided to say anything else and started staring at the ground again. There was no use trying to tell people the truth. They wouldn't believe me anyways.

"Miss Williams?" A soft voice whispered. I looked up to see Adrien, the young bodyguard that'd been protecting me this whole week. He was the only person left that was close enough to be considered my friend.

I nodded at him to show him that he had my attention. "We're here at the entrance. Are you ready?" I gave him a small sigh and nodded, my face devoid of emotion.

Adrien pushed the door in front of us softly, opening it. He stepped in before me and held the door open for me. I smiled at him and stepped in. Before I entered, I turned back to the angry mob behind me and stared at them with a blank face.

These people...I pitied them. Sure I was in no situation to be pitying other people, but I did. How sad for them, to have to live through such ignorance and hate. These people...they'd regret all this sooner or later.

I turned back around and entered the building, pushing away all the raging thoughts inside my head. Adrien walked in front of me and led me through several doors and around several corners. My body followed him unconsciously while my mind was blank.

"Miss Williams?" Adrien asked again. I turned to him, now feeling grim.

"Yes?" I whispered, scared that he'd hear my voice crack.

"Everything is going to be alright." He said so surely I almost believed him. I nodded at him, too afraid that if I spoke anymore I'd break into tears. "We are about to enter the court room. Are you ready?"

Adrien often said the same things. I nodded once again and took in a huge breath of air.

This was it. This would decide my fate. I composed my face into one of no feelings. If I showed anything, the judge could use it against me.

The door creaked loudly as Adrien pushed it open, revealing a judge sitting in the middle of the room and a room packed with people. Off to the corner was a television crew, who stood there conspicuously.I stepped into the room slowly and was led to a sitting compartment to the left of the judge. Once I was settled in the judge spoke, "We're all here today for the hearing and trial of Miss Rachel Williams, who had viciously murdered her family."

The moment the judge had said that, I had already lost hope. The judge's opinion was the same as everyone else. Her mind was already set on me being guilty.

"We will now begin the tr--"

"I didn't kill them." I stated loudly, interrupting the judge. The spectators gave a loud gasp and scoffed at my rudeness. Yeah, that's right. Suck it.

"Order! Order!" The judge's voice boomed throughout the room as she tapped her gavel. Immediately the room fell silent. "Young lady I do not tolerate your rudeness. Do not speak while I am speaking." The judge sneered.

I kept my face blank, "What is the point of wasting our time here? We all know that you and the others are all set on having my verdict be guilty and having me either be locked up or put to death, so what's the point of this trial? Either way you guys would never listen to my story. You guys are ignorant and blind."

The whole room broke into conversations and whispers as the judge stared at me with a shocked expression.

"And if you'll excuse me, I'll get going now." I said quietly, pushing the door of my compartment open and stepping out. The person that was guarding it was much too shocked to stop me. He just stepped aside for me to leave. I walked down the aisle of the room, everyone's eyes on me.

For a millisecond, I couldn't believe I had done that. On television.

All was silent for a few seconds before everything came into motion, officers from all direction ran towards me and tackled me towards the ground, handcuffing my hands behind of my back.

That's when I started screaming and thrashing. Tears flowed out and I kept on screaming. "It wasn't me! I didn't kill anyone!" I screeched, kicking my legs at anyone close enough to hit.

"Order! Order!" The judge demanded, but her attempts to silence everyone failed. A huge commotion started and the room buzzed with screaming and chatter.

I just continued with my yells, kicking and thrashing to get away from everyone. My attempts were futile, though, because soon officers had gotten hold of my arms and legs, pinning me to the ground. My body trembled and I started hiccuping. Tears still fell down my face and my hair was like a bird's nest.

I was a mess. How did my life come to this?


Hey hey! New story with heidihi1970! We're going to co-write this story, so I hope you enjoy! Please fan/vote/comment/add this to your library. We promise you that you won't be disappointed! 

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