Framed - Chapter One

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Chapter 1

The guards tightened their grips on my arms and legs as I struggled to escape from their grasps. 

Salty tears leaked warmly out of my eyes, and I started sobbing uncontrollably.

"No! Let me go! Mom! Please save me..." I begged hysterically, my head leaning towards the motionless body sitting in a wheelchair on one side of the room. They had brought my mother here for my hearing, even though she was still in a coma.

There was an awkward pat on my back, which meant that Adrien was trying to comfort me. Adrien was the only one that believed I wasn't guilty, and for that, he had developed a warm spot in my heart. 

A guard tugged on my arm, pulling me towards the exit. It was going to snap off if he pulled it any harder. Halfway across the room I gave up my struggling and let myself go limp, making it easier for the guards to take me out. Nothing could save me now.

Suddenly, a muffled noise made us all turn our heads. My heart sped up.


And it was true. Her eyes slowly creaked open, revealing her beautiful blue eyes.

I broke into a harder sob as I pulled myself in her direction, yearning to be held by her warm arms again. With no such luck, more guards surrounded me and dragged me outside of the room as nurses rushed around my mother.

"Mom! Mommy!" I screamed just as the door shut close. "No! Let me go back!" I screamed, plopping myself on the floor. I was not going to go anywhere with them.

Adrien sighed and stood above me, watching as a weird look flashed across his eyes. Suddenly, he bent down and grasp my under arms, pulling me up and over his shoulder.

"No! Adrien! Please! You've got to understand! Please!" I begged through sobs. I punched and kicked wherever I could reach, but it was all useless. I was no match for such a built guy like him.

"I'm sorry Ms. Williams, this is my duty." He whispered to me. 

He sighed as I slumped down, trying to be as heavy as possible in reply. Apparently not heavy enough though, as he kept on walking with ease. The other guards following us chuckled amused. I sent death glares at them in return.

When we made it out of the building, I was shoved into the back of their police car. I waited until the door slammed close before laying down and sobbing. From the driver's seat, Adrien looked back at me sadly.


"Rachie! I wonna go shleep wid you tonight!" My seven year old sister said, tugging at my sleeves. 

"Okay Nina, go to my room and go to bed, let me grab something first." I told her absentmindedly, pointing at the door to my room. She nodded at me before trotting down the hallway towards my room. 

Before following her, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the steak knife from the drawer besides my refridgerator. If you didn't know me, you would probably be creeped out and think this was weird. For me, it was perfectly normal. My family was pretty much used to it too.

The thing was, I used to get nightmares...really bad ones about monsters and murders and all those horrible things. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming my head off. I guess I was just really paranoid. No amount of sleeping pills could keep me asleep.

By the beginning of high school, I was falling apart. My grades dropped, I had stopped talking to my friends, and I was in a deep depression. Dark bags were visible under my eyes and I often found myself spaced out. 

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