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please tell me if you like it or if you think it'll be boring, i want to here what you guys think.

Every high school has that one dude who all the girls idolize! Who they'll all praise and adore and make fanclubs for. Well in Clifton High school, 17 year old Ian is the praised prince of the palace! He's handsome, talented, charming, he's the whole package! He's anything any girl would want. Except for one tiny detail, he breaks hearts a million a minute! He's got the reputation for the biggest heart breaker but still, he still has is 1000001 fans, weird hey? His high school life was pretty normal...confession, heart break, sports, academic stuff, yada yada....until one night he started getting terrible nightmares of a strange hooded figure out to get him, and each night... it would.. Somehow he always ended up with a sword through his chest or would have his head cut off, repeatedly again and again.

After being killed so many 100 times, he had had enough and would probably wish he was dead. He tried killing himself...but eh he just ended up staring at the stick in his hand that was 'supposedly' going to kill him. He ran out of hope and decided to pray to the big dude up in the sky. He wished that he could find a way to sort out all these night mares and get rid of them, along with hooded killer, and get back to his normal life. That very night, things were different. The hooded figure revealed itself to be a young girl of 16 with blazing red hair and crimson eyes. The Black Rose NightStalker. 

But how the heck is this scary NightStalker girl going to help him? All she does is stalk him and kill him in his nightmares and where ever he looks... SHE'S THERE! He tried to flirt with her, to try and get on her good side.... yeah that ended up with him having been stuffed into the couch and sat on....  Even trying to report her was no use, no one else could see her, which was pretty weird. He tried 'getting rid' of her himself with one of the knives he owned (don't ask why) but there was no sneaking up on her, trying to kill her?...that didn't end well. 

At last after he's on the brink of losing it, she explains that she was assigned to him to teach him a leson for all those poor girls who were hurt by his words. He had to learn stop crushing the hearts of all those girls and make it up to each and EVERY one.

But being a man of his high status and reputation, that's gonna be no where near easy, he's gone too far. How will he change his heart breaking ways and make up for all his mistakes? Will he ever get rid of this demon-like girl? and when he does, will their relationship really still be just frenemies??

okay thanks for reading guys! i really want to here if i should continue this book or not... please once you've read this, PLEASE comment! 

NightStalker: My Dark Angel (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now