Chapter 1: Worst Nightmare

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hey! <3 this is the first chap of NightStalker, i hope you guys enjoy this ^^ 

Dreamers P.O.V:

I was running, always running, don't care where i'm going, i gotta get away from that, but that never works, yet, everytime i come here again, i just keep on running...again. 

I ran down a dark eery hall way and stopped around the corner, resting in the shadows. "agh! don't tell me i'm back here again?!" i cursed in my head. I dare not let myself get heard by it, the hooded figure who's out to get me every night. I haven't actually confirmed if it is a girl or boy so i'll call it an it.

 I heard the creak of the old wrecked floor boards of this creepy house that definetly is not mine. I've always been zapped here. Every night, whether i wanted to..or not. Another creak! coming from the direction i was running away from. "Okay Ian, time to move...again." 

I turned and ran down the hallway at top speed hoping to get away and find the exit to this creepy place and get the hell out of here. I wouldn't mind commiting suicide by jumping out the window, that beats the torture that thing does to me, but where the hell are the windows?! that are breakable?!

I mean i saw one once and i picked up a brick and threw it at the window, but you know what happened? No! the window did not break, it didn't even crack for hells sake! And the brick? It bounced of the stupid window and hit ME in the face! I was like "wth?!" 

And then that demon thing found me and slit me in half and rolled both halves of my body down the hall and then down the stars with the stinking brick in my mouth! Then it raised its knife aiming for my neck and when the knife came down....well i guess i must have blacked out or something coz i'd wake up screaming like some four year old who just wet his pants! (not that i did.) time i tried attacking the thing by throwing a brick at it and with one hand, it caught the brick and crushed it to DUST! Well...then you'd know what happened after that. it hung me by the neck over the balcony and cut me into pieces VERY slowly and painfully and one at a time...and I had to WATCH my legs crash to the floor in a sloppy bloody mess!

And out. 

Well...that wasn't too definetly wasn't as bad as being used as a HUMAN PIN CUSHION! The freaking thing tied me to the dining room table and stuck knives into me! then sent the chandelier, that i think looks awesome despite the dirt and terrible state it's in, crashing down on me! and well....the table cloth caught a lite from the candles on the chandelier and.. then... i was basically a roast human tied to a plate kebab.... 

Well today seems like goodluck is on myside. The thing definetly hasn't caught up to me and doesn't seem to be able to find me. 

I dashed towards the steps and bounded down 5 at a time. Yes, i can do 5 at a time, i've done it all the other million times i've been here, in this creepy old mansion that looks NOTHING like mine...besides the stairs..and the chandelier..and the dining room... and the ball room... and the entrance hall......... GAH! Focus! there's a lunatic right behind you and you're thinking about your mansion?! Stupid Stupid! 

i ran across the ball room, my feet tapping on the cold marbel floor that was covered in a thick layer of dust and spider webs and what ever other creepy things this mansion holds...wait... is that a TIKI HEAD MASK?! WTH?! I was only distracted for a mere 10th of a second but i slipped on the dust and fell chin first and sprawled on the floor. "tch..."

A heard a cackling laugh coming from above me. I lifted my head abit to look at the ceiling but nope, i couldn't see anything in that pit black death hole. "my my, you sure are entertaining, i love having to stalk you without you noticing that i was even here." a dark deep voice said. It was weird, something told me that that voice was only a disguise. My eyes scanned the darkness and i spotted the dark figure perched on a chandelier. "Hey! You're not gonna cut another chandelier are you?!" i yelled. "Maybe." 

Okay one thing i've learnt is that even if that creature says 'maybe' it's ussually a yes. soo.....CRASH!?! The thing crashed down and i just barely rolled out of its path of distruction. suddenly a felt a sharp wave of pain as a sword buried itself into my chest and my T-shirt turned crimson. "I'm bored, I'll torture you more nextime." it said threateningly. I felt my head go dizzy 


I woke up screaming and shot up in my bed. My younger sister came in. "Scaredy cat!" she said. "Shut up!" i snapped at her and covered my head with the pillow. 

The sun was peeking over the horizon and shining into my room, keeping me from sleeping. I wanted to sleep but noooo i had to go to school. It was pretty normal as always, i got given chocolates by the million girls in my school even though it isn't valentines day, got praised all through the hall ways and got to sign autographs. Yeah i'm quite a hit. 

When i finally got home i threw down my back pack and things and kneeled down beside my bed and began to pray to God. YES! I do believe in God! big Deal! Well i begged God to help me for the love of fudge! I stayed there all afternoon and when i got to bed i only had one thought on my mind... and that was.. "I am gonna get into trouble for not doing my who cares." Then there was the other one.. "Will it show up?" 


I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Yep, i was back in that crummy old death house. I looked around, no demon yet... well aparently i spoke too early.... because no sooner was did that thought pop into my head, did a figure drop down from the sky, yep it was my nightmare. 

I started backing away as it turned to be, its blazing crimson eyes locked on my chest. It started walking towards me. I was about to turn to run but i had a strange feeling that today was going to be different. The figure was walking not running.. and its sword not drawn. It stopped dead and reached up, pulling the hood back..

and there stood a girl with blazing red hair and fire like eyes. 

hopes you guys enjoy this chapter

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