Chapter 3: Stuck with a Stalker

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ehehehe sooo long since i updated ^.^' so sorry!!!!! please do not mob me! T.T 

setting scene.... 

bored classroom, innocent teacher, hundreds of pervert-brained boys, one handsome devil, hundreds of fangirls fanning over him and last but not least, one hunter ready to slice his head off any second now. ^^ pleasant ey?

now, back to the story 

Ian's P.O.V 

she looked a little surprised but smiled at me sweetly, sweeter than an Angel on sugar high. I can just feel the boys in my class starting to get all excity. (soz this is not a real word T.T ) "Well this is a school, and i am here to learn, what else would i be here for?" I rolled my eyes, "Don't put the whole angel act up! You're here to slice me into pieces!" She smiled sweetly and giggled which made some of the boys in the classroom sigh all lovey dovey like.

"Well you just answered your own question, but why would a girl like me who doesn't even know you do a thing like that? Do i look like a killer?" she asked all innocently. "YES! YES YOU DO!" i shouted.

"Ian, sit down. This is no time to harass the new student!" my teacher said raising an eyebrow an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and sat down without another word, feeling the eyes of all my fans and other students on me. 

Shaylor walked through the maze of desks to one side of the classroom, immediately having an effect on all the boys and girls around her, mainly boys. Some even moved a few seats closer, to the teachers great annoyance. 

She tapped the board to get everyones attention and she said, "Okay Class, settle down. Now lets begin Maths shall we?" Well i kind of zoned out at the word 'Maths' and the rest of the lesson just went by like yada yada yada.. I just drew circles in the air as girls stared at me.

 Of all the eyes staring at me, i felt one cold stare, who else could it be but that Creepy She-devil! ...or.....the other guy what's-his-face who got seriously angry just because his girlfriend fell inlove with me but i rejected her. 

The highlight of this lesson was watching the light above us go on and off, on and off. Reason is because our power was down and some of the lights didn't work properly... hmmmm...well i did hear something about a freak storm and a power outage yesterday night but i guess i was to busy dealing with my own freak to notice. 

Well once class was finished, oh praise the lord, i packed up my bags and headed out. I know this is a usual routine for me but i felt like i was being tailed. Well first few things that came into my mind were i was either being tailed by fangirls. fanboys or even the occasional angry exboyfriends... when i turned around i saw that she-devil a metre behind me. 

"Why are you following me!" i demanded glaring at her. "Awwww isn't it totally natural for a fan to follow her idol?" she asked with a swooning voice." "Oh shut the hell up, you she-devil!" i growled walking off. When i looked back to see if she was still following me, i saw that i was alone. 

The lights were still flickering and there were only a few students about. The whole scene actually gave me the heebie geebies and i felt like i was in a black and white movie. You know, that ones where i guy gets stalked by a killer and finds that he's all alone and WHAM he loses his head. 

I even started holding my head and walking very fast..ummm....where was i walking to anyway? Wow ain't i a totally not absentminded kid hey? forgetting where i'm supposed to go! Clever kid hey? I felt like i was being watched...not the usual feeling that i get when i'm stalked by fan girls. 

I felt an ice cold hand touch my shoulder and i freaked out. "Gwah!!!! Stay back! I got a .." I pulled of my shoe," a Shoe! I got a shoe and i'm not afraid to use it! " i shouted aiming my shoe at the attacker. "Please, it's only me." the she-devil said stepping out of the shadows. "Gugh! Why are you stalking me you she-devil!?" She rolled her eyes, "First why do you keep calling me she-devil? My name is Shaylor." 

"I can call you anything i want." i said bending down to put my shoe back on. She reached down at swiped my shoe away from me. "Hey-" "Call me that again and i'll-" she ripped my shoe in half with little effort "do that to you, but this time, the pain will be real," she said with a dark smirk.

I grabbed my now destroyed shoe, "Fine! But you're buying me a new pair of shoes!" She laughed darkly, her dark hair having a red glow, "Alright alright, but if i do, you'll have to let me torture you 100 times more." I freaked again, twice already and anymore will have me going into shock. "Okay okay i'll get a new pair myself, you're so lucky i have two pairs!" She laughed, "Is it I the lucky one or you?" I blinked defeated, "What ever!"

I took off my other shoe and started walking away, "Come on Stalker, let's just get to cla-" Something cold and silver slided infront of me, choking me at my neck and i felt the same cold hand grab my shoulder. I nearly freaked again when i realized it was a blade, the same one she used to turn me into a human pin cushion and the same one she used to cut my head off.

" what did you call me?" she asked, a dark aura around her. "SHAYLORI! SHAYLOR! " I yelled trying to get away. She let go of my shoulder and i hit the floor face first. Well she seemed pleased. I'm actually pretty lucky because if she wasn't pleased, i bet she'd torture me then and there. Probably shove me in one of the lockers and push swords into me like a boxed blue berry pie!

She walked over me like a 'STEP ON ME!' mat. She bent down and grabbed me by the collar and dragged me the rest of the way to class and threw me into the classroom before skipping in innocently. NO ONE SUSPECTED A THING! NO ONE NOTICED A DAMN THING! well...besides me sitting on the floor with a red mark around my neck and my collar partly torn.

"Yo Ian! Did you get attacked by fangirls again?" my bestfriend Michael asked laughing. I punched him in the arm, "What? Jealous? Coz you don't got this?" I smirked pointing at my face. He laughed, "you win this round, Miller." Miller..that was my surname if you didn't know.

Someone reached their hand out to me for me to take. I looked up to see She-devi- i mean Shaylor holding out her hand to me, smiling innocently. Some of the guys around the room growled. I guess she's already attracted fans. "Come, i'll help you." Woah! now this was totally out of line. 

I was looking at her hand cautiously, waiting for claws to appear and rip me to pieces when the teacher walked in. " Ian, get off the floor. This is no time to be sitting around." he commanded. Boy was he in a bad mood or what! I quickly reached for Shaylor's hand and pulled myself up. "Today for the science project, you'll all be put into pairs. Tiana and Liam. Shianne and Sean. Michael and Rachel." he read down the list. 

When he called my name and my 'partner' i let go of Sayuri's hand and fell over, knocking my head on the table, having a mini mental heart attack and blacking out. 

"Ian and Shaylor" 

/I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! i'm so sorry i didn't update in like a month~! yes i did change Shaylor's surname to Armadan, its a surname i created from Armada, a fleet of army ships... hm.... does that suit her? if not, anyone got any suggestions? 

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