Chapter Two

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Autumn POV:

It was now Monday morning, I was sitting in the car with Collin, and Beau on our way to school. And of course this morning I woke up to the idiots waking me up, causing me to be up two hours before I really needed to be.

So you could probably guess by now I wasn't in the best of moods. Collin takes the last turn to school, and then turns into the school gates, the whole ride to school the boys were talking about this big soccer game that's happening Thursday, and the after party that's being held by Shay Brown. She had a party almost after every game there was, usually they only lasted a couple of hours before the police came and shut them down. So I didn't bothered to attend, but Collin and Beau made a appearance. I guess they had to they were on the team after all. Shay's parents rarely came home, as they worked away a lot. So she does what she wants when she wants. Shay became pretty popular because of these party, we use to be friend in primary school, but then her parents started to leave for longer when we started high school. Her parents weren't the only thing that left,  her old nicer personality went with and she started to hate me. At first I was upset, but then I realized that what happens when you out grow old friends.

Once we found a car park and started to walk up to the front doors, I spot Ava walking across the road, with her earphones in and her hand in her pockets. I stop walking so she can catch up, I look to my left and right to see if the boys had stop as well, they had. Collin looks starstruck once he see's her. I don't blame him she looked really cute today in her white converses, black jeans, white singlet top that was tucked into her pants with a grey thick cardigan thrown over to stop the cold from getting to her. Her hair was in a side braid to complete the look. Ava lived a five minute walk away, so she walked to school. I had offered her a ride multiple times, but she likes walking. She says it helps her think, and clear her mind. 

"Wow." Collin silently says beside me. I snap my head back to him, and raise a eyebrow. He just shakes his head and closes his eyes for a second. Once he has regain his posher and returns back to reality. Ava had walked up to us.

"Hey guys." she says tucking a bit of hair behind her ear that had fallen out of her braid.

"Hey." says Beau and I at the same time. She smiles at us then looks to Collin.

"Hey Collin, how are you?" she say still smiling.

Collin rubs his still over grown stub and smile nervously "Hey, yeah I'm good. Um guys I got to go to my locker before class, catch up with you all at lunch, bye." He says it so fast that we hardly hear any of it. Once he runs off we all look at the front door that he went through.

"Well, that went great" Ava says with a small smile. "Anyways guys I got to talk to Mrs Wilman for early childhood and that stupid baby assignment that's coming up, so speak in first period?"

"Yeah sure, speak soon" I say to her, remembering that I was in that class too. Argh I hate that class, not that I hate babies or anything, it just that I'm not really good with them. I've never in my life  had a baby not cry when I hold them. They all seem to think I'm evil or something. So when it comes to learning about them I'm  just not interested.

Originally Ava and I wanted to go to art classes, but the class was to full, so they put us in this class, because it was the less full. Collin and Beau were in this class to with a couple of other boys. It was only a class of 12, as not many people wanted to be in it. Basically it was all the people that missed out on their first choice of subject  that were put into it to make a little class. And it didn't help that Mrs Wilman fought with the principal about wanting this to be a class. She won obversely.

"They really need to sort their shit out, I can literally still feel the awkward tension between them now and their on different sides of the school." Say's  Beau continuing to walk, I follow in step.

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