Chapter three

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It was now lunch, and I'm waiting in line to get my food. Maths and English was a blur. It's really not the enjoyable for me. I let out a yawn, and cover my mouth with my hand while holding my tray in my other hand. Today I was having some sweet potato chips and a small cheese burger. Our cafeteria actually has some nice food compared to others. I take a step forward as the person in front of me, moves away.

"Next please" Dona says, our lunch lady. She the sweetest, she knows almost everyone's name. How? I don't know there's hundreds of us.

I walk up to her and she looks at my food, then types it into the computer, "That'll be $8.50 please honey," as she finishes typing in the order she looks up. "Autumn, darling. How are you?"

"Hey Dona." I smile, "I'm good, yourself?"

"Yeah I'm great, how are them two boys treating you? Are they still being a pain?" She chuckles. taking my money from my hand and putting it into the counter. She ask's me this every time I buy food which is almost every day.

I laugh slightly, "Their still being a pain, I don't think they'll ever change." She hands me my change and laughs at this.

"They mean good, hun." she shakes her head, "I better get back to work, the line is almost out the door," she looks behind me and sighs, "talk later darling."

I nod and smile, then start to walk back to my table.

When I get to my table I sit down in my normal sit and start to eat my food, only a few people are sitting down around me. I look around for Ava and see her walking over. I smile at her, while I pick up my burger and start to chop it down. I love food.

"Autumn," a voice says from the table. I turn my head towards the nosie, trying to figure out who called my name. "Are you going to that party Thursday night with Zac?" I soon realise it's Tiffany that's talking to me, "everyone is going on about it, they can't believe your brother and Beau are allowing you to go, you know Zac's loves pissing your brother off? This will certainly do the job." I just look at her in shock I always knew she had a big mouth and wasn't afraid to say much but wow, she could a least try. She's basically implying that Zac only asking me out to piss of my brother.

Ava slowly sits down beside me, "It's no one business but Autumn's, so bud out Tiffany." I look at Ava in shock, she must like the look on my face because she flips her hair over her shoulder. Ava never acts this way, what the hell is happening. She's always quiet and minds her own business, I'm usually the snappy one. I didn't even get a chance to reply, before Tiffany is at it again.

"That's funny coming from you, why dont you bud out," that's Tiffany great responds.

Ava just laughs, and rolls her eyes. "I'm really not in the mood for you right now, so if you could go sit down at your table that be great, thanks" Ava looks down at her food picks up a chips and plops it into her mouth, acting like she doesn't have a care in the world.

Tiffany just stomps off back to her table.

"Ava, would you please like to enlighten me what that was about," I go about using a sweet voice. I don't feel like adding any more flames to the fire.

Beau and Collin aren't at our table yet, they must be stuffing around somewhere. Half the time their late to lunch because of training or group meetings. Other than Ava and I, there are only a couple of other people sitting around the table, so we are in a private area.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Um yes it is, you never go crazy like that to any one!"  

"No Autumn, don't get me started, I'm having the worse of worse days today, everything that could go wrong is going wrong.  And now you're getting me started, great now I have word vomit, and because it's you I have to tell you everything." She stops for a second to take a breath, then continues, "I saw Collin and Tiffany making out in second period, I went to the toilet and they were around the corner sucking faces, I know what the heck right? So there's the reason I was being a bitch to Tiffany, it didn't help that I was already upset from last night I finished of my last assignments out of 4 and then I accidentally spilt my 6th coffee on my laptop and now it won't turn on and I lost everything. So I have to redo them all. Arghhh just thinking about it makes me mad, it was probably because Mum and Dad got into another fight last night, over God knows what, like always and to top it of I woke up to my freakin' period." She huffs and sits back in her chair, folding her arms.

She's trying hard not to cry I can see it in her face. She must be really upset if she's swearing and acting like this isnt affecting her that much.

"Wow, that's a lot of shit. I'm sorry Ava, my brothers an idiot." I turn towards the doors, I see Beau and Collin walking towards us. As will as half the soccer team, slowing trailing up behind them.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"I'm going to kill Collin though, I can't believe he kissed Tiffany. I thought he hated her"

"Yeah, I know me too. I thought we were finally,  you know getting some where, kind of." She looks over to the door. Then looks to me with pleading eyes, "Don't say anything yeah?"

"Of course, but you did good with Tiffany, she's annoying."

We both start laughing at this, "Yeah, I did, didn't I?"

Everyone finally makes there way to the table and the once quiet, relaxing table now has half the soccer team and cheerleader's talking their heads off.

I glare at Collin as he makes his way up to us, "Why are you looking at me like that," he says.

I just shake my head and get back to eating. I don't understand him, he acts heart broken then he goes and hooks up with Tiffany. He has a horrible way of showing his feelings. I'll have to talk to him tonight.

"Why looking so glum, babe?" Beau grabs a chair and plops himself next to me. I look over to Collin to see him trying to talk to Ava, I try not to be noisey so I turn my head to Beau. Even though I don't want to.

"Firstly don't call me babe, its weird, and secondly I do not look glum." Why does he have to be so annoying, its like as soon as he's near me his annoying personality comes out. I see him with Collin all the time around the house and he never acts like this towards him. or anyone else really. Maybe I'm just really sensitive. Yeah that's probably it.

Beau then grabs a chip of my plate and plops it into his mouth, and then licks his fingers one by one. Never mind I take it back I'm not sensitive he really is just annoying.

"Yum, they are some good chips." As he is speaking the chips he just ate are in his teeth, I scruch my noise and look away in discussed.

"You're so gross. Beau close your month and finishes your food."

Beau leans forward and puts his hands under his chin. "You're more grumpy then usual, whats wrong buttercup?" As he says this I feel my fingers roll into a fist, I could totally go all crazy on him right now, I can feel my face going red, between him and Collin I sometimes wonder how I got stuck with them. As I'm thinking about my comeback, so I can get Beau to leave me alone, I hear a yell coming from Ava after she finishes saying some bad words she pushes back her chair almost making it fall over and then proceed to walk of out the door.

I look at Collins face and he looks so white I think he's going to faint. I roll my eyes at the idiot and go to stand up to see how my best friend is. But as soon as I'm up I'm pulled back down by Beau.

"Just let him sort it out." Beau says, "they can't keep going on like this." He point his finger to the door, "his going after her already, they'll be fine."

I look to the door and he's right, he basically running after her.

"Their relationship is a mess," Beau continues. "I love Collin he's like a brother to me, but he really doesn't know how to deal with woman"

"And you do?" I snort, while picking up a chips.

He grabs the chip from my hand "Of course  I do."

I snatch it back. "If you knew a thing about woman you wouldn't steal their food."

He looks at me like I'm crazy. What I can't help it I love food.

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