Friends with Monsters

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Sorry for lame title can't think of one
Dipper's POV

"Ugghhhh..." I groaned/yawned as I stretched my hands. I tried to turn to my side but I can't. Not that I was really tired but I literally can't move my legs. My hands reached for the wall when I touched something that felt like...fur? My hands went back to the spot where I felt the fur and I realised that there was fur on my ears.

"What the..." I muttered as I used all my strength to roll over. The good news is that I managed to roll over. The bad news is that I fell off my bed and onto the floor. As I lifted my head, I immediately screamed,"AHHHH I'M A DEER AAAHHHH!!!"

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I'm a half man half deer. But when I looked to my left, I realised Mabel's bed was empty. MABEL! Where is she?!??! Did she turn into a monster too?

Calm down Dipper. First things first, I need to get up. I reached out for the desk in the middle of the beds(there's a desk in between the beds right? I'm not sure) as I slowly put down one foot...or hoof...on the ground at a time. But when I put down my 3rd hoof, I stumbled and fell again. Having 2 extra pair of legs is weird, since a human has 4 limbs but I have 6. After many failed attempts, I finally stood up properly, eventhough I'm shivering.

"At least my day wouldn't get any worse," I sighed. But Mother Nature thought otherwise. I ended up falling down the stairs and landing on my face. All of my time used for mastering the art of standing on four legs just washed down the drain.

"Dipper?" I heard Mabel calling my name. It sounded like it came from the bathroom. Hopefully I was right.

"Mabel!" I exclaimed while trying to get back up. Once again, after a few attempts, I got back up on my 2 pairs of feet and ran...or galloped to the bathroom. I really have to catch up on verbs that are used to describe deer's actions.

When I got to the bathroom, all I saw was a mermaid version of Mabel in the bathtub filled with water. And instead of a frightful face, she was smiling.

"Woah! You turned into a......deertaur? At least you get to keep your legs," Mabel shouted happily.

"Do you really have to stay in the tub?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. That's one of the downsides in being a mermaid. When I woke up, I couldn't breath normally and I thought I was going to die. But Soos came and placed me in this filthy tub. But now I'm a mermaid, I get to visit Mermando!" she explained while splashing some water at me.

"Isn't he married to an ugly manatee?" I pointed out.

"1, she is not ugly. 2, yes I know. I'm just going to visit him and catch up on stuff. Oh yeah, you should have seen Soos. He was all gooey and stuff," she said with a disgusted face as I was wiping the water off my arm.

"We need to find a way to transport you around," I said while scratching my ear. I still wasn't used to the furry ears.

"Why don't you ask Soos? I also want you to see his monster form," Mabel suggested.

I nodded my head slightly and went out the bathroom. And finally found Soos at the cashier chilling out with a more hairy version of Wendy. Mabel was right. He did look gooey.

"Hey guys," I said quietly.

"Hey Dipper, and I know what you are going to ask me. I'm a werewolf, but I don't change into a human during the day," Wendy responded immediately. I think she wanted to get it over with.

"Soos, what are you?" I asked confusingly.

"I'm just some kind of clay person. Check this out!" Soos then 'melted' and spreaded out on the ground, still having his face on the surface.

"Uh jealous. All I can do is howl," Wendy complained. She seemed miserable in her new monster form. I kinda feel her. I mean, we didn't get to choose what we want to become. Wendy teeth suddenly turned sharper as she stared at me.

"Okay...Soos, do you know how to transport Mabel around without her having difficulties breathing? I nervously asked Melted Soos.

Before Soos replied, I saw Gruncle Stan coming into the shack with an inflatable baby pool in his hand. He looked like he was made of stone and he had wings! Lucky. I think he is a gargoyle.

"What are you looking at?!," Gargoyle Stan yelled when he caught me staring at him. Must be in a bad mood.

"I know what to do," Soos finally replied and he turned back to his human shape.

Soos' plan was to connect a clean tube the size of a straw but longer to a big bottle filled with water and attach the bottle to her Shooting Star sweater. It took us only 10 min to do so and Mabel was suited up.

"But how can we make Mabel walk?" Soos asked.

"I know! I can use fishsticks as a pair of people legs,"Mabel gave a dumb answer.

"Or...I can just carry you on my back," I stated the obvious answer.

"Oh yeah. So now you are officially my noble steed," Mabel said cheekily.

"Don't ever call me that," I disagreed immediately. I don't want my new nickname to be 'Noble Steed'.

"How bout'... Deerper," Mabel suggested.

"Nope. Please just call me Dipper," I answered annoyingly. Soos then carefully carried Mer-Mabel and placed her on my back. She's so much heavier than I thought.

"Where do you wanna go? Mystery Hunt?" I asked Mabel.

"Nah not in the mood. How about the town? I want to see what the people have transformed into?" Mabel questioned with enthusiasm.

"Hmm...that would be interesting. Ok," I agreed, also eager to see what happened to the towns folk. I slowly walked to door just as Stan shouted,"Kids, eat your breakfast first!"

"Ok!" We yelled simultaneously. Looks like we have to do that later.
Wow it sucks. I read it and it sucks. Oh well. The next chapter will be a special chapter. No spoilers! I think it will be very fun. But anyways, this chapter sucks(I know I said that like 3 times).

Bye! XD

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