descovering the secret

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They go into the woods and find nothing until they bump into something they cant see and they feel around to try to figure out what it is so they follow it and it leads back to the cabin and they go inside and there as scared as they can be shivering in fright they see nothing until then something slowly apeares out of no where it is a alien space ship and they see a hole and they wonder whats in it so they go in it and it leades into the spaceship and they still see nothing except for this comtrol panel so they go up to it and good thimg the friend is good at technology and knows what hes doing and he deactivates the invisability on the space ship and it is huge and has lots of testing in areas in it they walk around the spaceship and they try to take pictures but there phomes are acting up so they cant do anything on them so they use there hand held cameras to take pictures they return back to the surface and they go to the news and shows them the picturesodf the spaceship..... to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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