Chapter 1

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       She could feel her heart racing, and there was sweat rolling down her face as she gasped for air and sprung upright in her unmade bed.

       Kris had dreams like that before. It seemed like they were all connected , and like they meant something. Maybe it was all in her head, but the dreams felt so real, and she couldn't help but think that someone was trying to tell her something. Heck! Maybe she was just crazy. Too bad they couldn't afford to send her to a mental institution. Anyway, all she knew, was that the whole thing was bizarre, and that it scared her.

       The horrible thing is, she couldn't talk to anyone about it. Her mother was kind and supportive, but she was always so busy and tired due to her double shift at a local bar. She had to work a double shift to be a financially successful single parent. Unfortunately, that meant that she could only be a part-time mom.

       Her father was in jail serving a three year sentence for domestic violence. Kris didn't know much about her father, because her mom didn't talk about him often. But, she would never forget the beatings. And, she would always hold dear to her heart the day her father was arrested because it was the first time they were happy in a very long time. Kris never forgot the beatings, but she also never forgot the day her father was arrested, because it was the the first day in a long time that her family knew that they would be truly happy and safe.


       Kris' mom arrived home late that evening while Kris was washing dishes from dinner.

       "Hey, Baby," Ms. Sulat said in her work clothes as she brought Kris in for a lengthy hug.

       "Hey, Mom. Melanie is already in bed. Go sit down in the other room, and I'll make you some tea."

       "Would you, Kristen? Thank you!"

       "No problem," with that, Ms. Sulat tiredly left the room and Kris went to make the tea.

       Kris walked in with the tea to her mom watching intently to the 10 o' clock news

       "As of noon today," the announcer stated, "Kenneth Sulat was released from jail after serving a three year sentence for domestic violence-" Kris' mom immediately turned off the TV, her face washed out. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes just in shock. Had it really been three years? How was that justice? Months of torturous abuse, for what? Just a few years of life taken from him? How was that justice when they will never forget the pain they felt?

       After a moment, Ms. Sulat mumbled, her frozen eyes still on the black screen, "Lock the doors and windows, shut the blinds, turn off the lights, and go up to bed. Now. Don't forget to lock you and Melanie's bedroom door."

       "Mom, you can't stay down here alone."

       "Kris, do as I say. Your father will be angry. If I die tonight, the Lord wills it. But, I will not die unless if I know you and your sister are safe."

       Kris' eyes quickly became watery, "You...can will not...die."

       "Kris, GO."

       Kris went to do as her mom said, but she had no intention of leaving her alone. She locked the back door first, and as she moved toward the front, the front door suddenly flew open. Petrified, they saw the dark, shaggy hair, the blood-shot eyes, and the cold look on his face-on Father's face.

       Even after three years, one never forgets the feeling of knuckles meeting flesh or large hands shoving your frail, helpless body into a wall. One never forgets the fresh blood trickling down their bruised face. And no one ever forgets the seeing the unbearable pain on a loved one's face as they scream and beg for mercy of an unstoppable, torturous fist. 

       Kris's father lunged at her mom, trying to strangle her in her chair. The glass tea cup shattered upon contact with the hard wood floor sending piping tea splashing whatever was in it's reach.

       Kris charged at her father, kicking and yelling, trying to stop him with all her might. But, all it took was a back slap to send her crashing to the floor, like she was nothing more than a fly.  She glanced up at them-her father seizing control. Kris forced herself scramble to her feet in attempt to separate them.

       He stopped what he was doing and turned to Kris, "What have I told you about interfering with my punishments, Kris?"

       "You were going to KILL her! I WON'T let you do that to her. She and Melanie are ALL I HAVE! How've YOU been there for me?! YEARS in prison, and BEFORE?! YOU BEAT ME!! YOU ARE NOT MY DAD! YOU ARE JUST MERELY MY FATHER! I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU! YOU HAVE NO PLACE HERE ANYMORE! LEAVE US ALONE, GET OUT!" Kris yelled.

       He removed his belt from his waist, " You not being scared is why I never should've left! You've forgotten your place! As for your mother, you'd be lucky is you don't die too! As your Dad, I want to protect you from your mistakes. This is for your own good."

Remembering the pain from years ago, Kris cringed inside as he rose the belt above his head. The buckle came down into violent contact with her face, and it only took one blow for her to collapse. Kris helplessly laid on the ground as her father got a couple more whacks in.

       Knowing that she would never she her mother again, she whispered to her, "I'm sorry...I hard. I...I love you." Tears rolled down her face, and she didn't know the difference between her sad tears, tears of pain, or thick, dark blood.

       "You need to learn to keep your mouth shut, Kristen!" Her father picked her up by the shirt collar and she winced as he effortlessly threw her into a glass cabinet that shattered around her. Kris tried to keep her eyes open, but all she saw was her father striding toward her weak, loving mother before everything went black.

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