Ulquiorra's Questions...

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<3 Ulquiorra <3 ;)


I stared at Ulquiorra.

″Uhhh... uhhhh... yikes... uhhhh... Well I... uhh... Hehehe..."

"Well," I whispered shyly,  "You are very handsome...

"Hm?" Ulquiorra looked down at his own body.  "That is what Sun-Sung said also... I do not understand it." He admitted,  "I have never been attracted to anyone before. . . What is it you like about me?" He inquired as he started unzipping his uniform until the top half was completely open, revealing his pale, and muscular chest, and the hollow hole on his neck.  "Make room..." He rdered as he lay down next to me on the bed.

He suddenly reached over and pulled my shirt back over my hollow hole.

"Get to work, Brooke. I was poisoned too, just not as badly. I would rather not wait too long to unpoison myself. Just suck the area around my hollow hole... Now."

My jaw dropped.

″Uhhhhh...″ I took a deep breath. ″Fine.”  I said plainly. I bent over Ulquiorra and did the exact same process he had done to me.

"I feel some more over here... Right..." He trailed off, grabbing my chin and putting my face near his left jaw line.  "There." He finished his previous sentence. "Oh and, Brooke, you still haven't told me why you feel attracted to me. When I ask you questions, I expect a fast and honest answer. So... Finish un-poisoning me, and then tell me. That's an order.

I started blushing insanely and finished unpoisoning Ulquiorra.

I sat up and began to speak. ″Fine Ulquiorra, you are very attractive. I dont know why I am so drawn to you, but I am. Why do you wanna know anyway?″ I sighed quietly.

He stood gracefully with his back to me. 

"I'm just... Curious. . . " He admitted.

"Do you like..." He turned and stared into my eyes.  "How strong I am? The rare color of my eyes?" He stepped closer to me. "The milky complexion of my skin?" He steppd to the foot of the bed.  "My capability to hide all emotions?" He sat on the bed. "My power, being ranked Espada #4, and being Aizen's favorite?" He swifly pulled me onto his lap and held my face in his pale,cold hands. " Or is it just, as Sun-Sung says... That I am... Sexy?" He looked at me, full of curiosity.

″I guess its kinda... all of that. I mean, ya know, uhh, just, its like... You're just really atractive and thats it.″ I blushed like crazy while not making eye contactwith Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra frowned. "Brooke... I don't like it when you don't look at me while We are speaking... He grabbed my chin betwwen his index finger and thumb. "Also... Aizen told me of something which humans and soul reapers do when they feel attracted to one another... So I want to do that..."

My eyes widened but before I could protest Ulquiorra had captured my lips with his. He pulled away emotionlessly.

"Hm... I like that... I now understand why the humans do it..." He stood, pulling me up with him.  "Come... Let's go find Grimmjow..."  

Ulquiorra walked out the door, guiding me by his hand.


Oh my, Ulquiorra is a curious lil' espada! Brooke, you lucky Ducky!

*cires in emo corner*

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