Later that day the 6 girls
was chatting away about clothes, movies or
whatever they felt like laughing away as they left
the school. Mayumi was looking over Kikiyo
magazine to see her read an article "Designing
Contest, Only amateurs are allowed to enter!" then smiled happily to her friend. "Kikiyo, This is perfect
for you, Why don't you sign up?" Mayumi squealed
as Kikiyo closed her magazine with an annoyed
look on her face. "I can't because my designs are
far more advance then others, besides I don't want
to waste my time on something like this.." Hanako turn to her petite from with a knowing smile "But
designing is your passion isn't it Kikiyo? You can't
go 24 hours without sketching something you like."
Kikiyo gave Hanako a glare before Momo pipped in
quietly. "I-I...think Kikiyo designs...suits h-
her...personali..." The last part she said shyly was quieter but Kikiyo couldn't help but tug Momo into a
warm hug." Emiko smirked playfully pushing a
strand of hair over her shoulder before crossing her
arms. "Even though, You still won't have
confidence to sign up and become a top rate
designer." Kikiyo was about to jump at emiko when Rin put in a last minute comment behind her sister
setting her book down. "Besides last time they
banned her for attacking the judges for not picking
her design, I don't know if you should be a designer
or a mix martial-arts fighter." With that Kikiyo tried
to jump the twins but Hanako and Momo tried to hold her tiny figure back as she barked at the calm
girls. Mayumi laughed loudly at her friends, they
just make the day shine brighter. *VRRRR VRRRR*
Mayumi answered her cellphone abit confused but
still in a happy mood. "Mushi Mushi?" The girls
stopped what they were doing when they heard Mayumi squealed in happiness. "Where are you
now Née-kun...Okay, I'll bring my friends too...See
you in 20 minutes!" With that Mayumi turned to
them in happy joy. "My née-kun wants to meet you
guys, Let's go to the arcade in the center of the
town to meet up with them!" They all gave her a confused look when she said "them." but followed
the excited girl anyway. (Boys Pov) "I thought we
came here to meet your cousin, where is she?" Syo
said annoyed on how late they are but Ittoki motion
him to calm down abit with a nervous laugh. "She's
coming, it's just her school is abit farther from here so don't blame them.." Ren smirked hearing the last