The Co-Workers: Donny's Coming Of Age Ch. 03

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I was scribbling through papers, trying to find my lawyers, friends, and families numbers. I was lucky I managed to lower the piece to 10,000. But still that kind of money in our line of work won't be easy. All of our funds was put into Donny's college fund. We scraped up 5,000 so far. If this "innocence" would had happened a week later I would flat out pay for the whole thing, since the fact I'm quitting my office job and going to take a job as a banker.

But that doesn't matter, today is not a week later. Thomas came to me as he threw down a bag full of money. I stared shock for a moment as I counted the money. We had a little bit much more then needed. I looked back, I didn't even say anything but he was already answering my question. "I asked my mom....sure she hurts us, but not Donny. She gave us 20,000 extra for Donny to spend on whatever his heart wanted. I went into the bathroom, Thomas was already dressed and ready. "Let's go." He said with a strong voice. We set out on the road, with the police behind us but at a distance of course. We arrived at a broken down factory, we went inside to find Donny with his arms & legs bound. He look up and smiled. "Dad! Daddy!" He said smiling. I went over and hugged him tightly, for a second - I thought I would never see my baby boy again. Thomas saw the 5-6 guys surround us, wearing skii maskes. "The money, give us the money!" One of them shouted. Thomas handed him the money, he counted every last dollar. He looked at one of the other guys and nodded, he nodded back as he opened the door. "You can go." He said smirking under his mask. We walked out quickly to the car as the cops ran into the factory, Donnys already been through alot so we left immediatly, I pulled up in a near by hospital no more then 30 minutes away.


It was complete hell, they abused me, even tried to rape me. Thank god I was under age, they're okay with killing a kid but not raping one. How about neither? Whatever...I look out the window as I noticed we was at the hospital, my heart stopped. "Dad I'm perfectly fine!" I whined. "Yes, we know dear." Gary said as him and Thomas got out the car. I knew there was no way I would be getting out of this. I gluped as we went it, we sat in the waiting for hours, they finally called me in. For 20 minutes they was checking on me and everything, the door saw the red hand prints on my neck and hands, he went out to where my parents were. I burried my face in my hands, how am I going to tell my dad I was....almost raped? They almost knocked down the door rushing in. I jumped, my face was red and watery, I noticed my eyes we're watering, not crying ...watering. For some unmistakable reason, I thought I was in trouble.

"I'm...I'm sorry ...."

(Author Note: I'm only half asleep this time, so it shouldn't be TOO insane, I'm sorry. Being young+staying up makes my imagination run.....wild.....good night. XD)

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